The facts taken from this site Romi Febriyanto Saputro
TINDAK pornography in the more distressing. In addition to research the AP news agency that Indonesia kingdom of heaven pornography as the number two after Russia, pornography has become attached behaviors society. Research conducted by Center for Legal Studies University of Indonesia Islamic states around 15 percent of 202 respondents teenagers aged 15 - 25 years old have a sexual relationship, as affected by the impressions of pornography through the Internet, VCD, TV and reading pornography. From the research also revealed 93.5 percent have witnessed teenager with porn VCDs simply want to know the reason for 69.6 percent and other reasons only 18.9 percent.
The phenomenon is of course very alarming us all, irrespective of the validity of the research and obyektifitas. According to the National Ensiklopedi Indonesia, in the definition of pornography is now serving the paper, sculptures, pictures, photos, live pictures (movies) or voice recording, which can cause appetite birahi offensive taste and social community. Pornography refers to the original works of Ancient Greek literature that describes the behavior of prostitutes. In the Ancient Greek language, meaning porne prostitutes and graphein means writing.
In English, there is a term other than obscenity nudity. Obscenity refers to anything that is obscene, immoral and scandalous. But the laws against obscenity only in the United States and Great Britain is only valid for field incivility in the sexual assault.
Ancient Greek society, which holds the naturalistis not consider sex or have sex in a frank as something immoral. The female folk like priapus praised the statue as a fertility god. The statue is a head of a bearded man who placed on a pedestal in the middle of the base and there genitals of men.
Public in Ancient Rome, there are paintings on the walls of Pompeii shrine, which describes the ways bersenggama. Paintings of this is evidence of pornography in the history of the Ancient Roman culture.
At that time, famous Ars Amatoria (Art of Love Asmara), the paper writer Ovidus, which consists of three volumes and discuss in detail ways persuade, stimulate appetite and tempt sex (Alex E Rachim, 1997)
Pornography spread to Europe in the mid-century, with low taste, in the form of farce and present material contains a short verse of satire. Is the story of the famous works of Giovanni Boccaccio Decameron, which contains about 100 stories no profanity. The discovery of printing equipment gives the opportunity for the dissemination of books pornografis story.
The stories that contain humor and a love affair written for the purpose of stimulating or entertaining birahi readers. Then in European papers appear first modern values that do not contain literature and aims only to stimulate birahi. What is known from the days in the UK is the book Fanny Hill; or Memoirs of a Woman of pleasure (1749) by John Cleland.
The spread of pornography becomes difficult when then be found photography and motion picture (film). Since World War II, pornography in the form of writing to get competition from the big serving of the overt erotic behavior (obscenity) in visual form.
During recent decades porn industry also grew rapidly in several countries and is estimated to yield 7 billion U.S. dollars a year. Produced industry also include various medicines and tools pemuas sexual relations.
Past be entrenched
According to Yasraf Amir Piliang (1998), the development of community-century global capitalism to-21 are marked by two logic, the logic of the release of appetite (libido) and the logic of speed, both the potential for social bankruptcy.
Global capitalism is no longer simply associated with the expansion of the capital, and territorial market, but now more associated with the expansion of the flow of libido and appetite vibration. Qur'an depict this condition in the Letter of Muhammad (47) paragraph 12, "And those who disbelieve enjoy (the world) and they will eat like animals?"
Our society seems to have been contaminated by way of materialism and hedonism of life, a life that sure is a measure of material and simply looking for pure enjoyment. With disregard morality, morals as a human being of the community and social ethics.
Like it or not must be recognized and Pornoaction pornography has become a culture in our community, as the virus of corruption, collusion and nepotism. Since entering the reform era Indonesia grew pornography developed.
Once the tap is opened freedom of the press, media and porn start developing Ironically get warm welcome from the community. If before the reform era, people are still embarrassed by the smell of pornography, the era of reform in this community is not embarrassed again.
Television screen every day we always met by impressions, the impressions and spirited porn, either in the form of entertainment, music, movies, ads and patron. With reason in accordance with the taste of the community.
Ngebor rocking one of our singers have inspired other singers, so the name was born ngecor rocking, rocking broken-broken, rocking kayang and other branches shake erotic.
What is more alarming again largely from television erotic nuance that have a high enough rating, which means an indication the majority of the people we love impressions of Eroticism. Yet again with the advertising world that we are using the appeal of Eroticism women to sell their products.
Or use words that contain the imagination and tone of erotic speech. But if the ad is not surprising that motorcycle and instant noodles also use charm women section. As if afraid the world of sport behindhand The culture also made by the Eroticism, for example, a sport boxing is always lenggak swing with a beautiful woman dressed in sexy.
In the Qur'an explicitly Allah SWT disallow any behavior that can be approached adultery, including pornography, Pornoaction, prostitution and all forms of variants.
He said in Al-Isra (17), paragraph 32, "And do not approach adultery, adultery is indeed an act of indecency. And a road that bad." From the word of God is clearly prohibit servants from fornication, handle, and interact with things that can cause or drag to intimacy.
Moral message in the Qur'an seems to have been ignored by many people that most (confess) religion of Islam. With various pretext, such as freedom of expression, art and relatifitas difinisi pornography, they dissolve in the act of knowing if indeed heart-cutty adultery.
What is more surprising when there are more Anti-Pornography Bill, which among many interpret this as something that controversial. According to a number of institutions among the countries need not take too much pornography is still not clear limitations, and if so what functions the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia? If state institutions are no longer able to educate and organize the people, it emerged that only people who terdegradasi moral and eventually akhlaknya that will lead to social ruin. (33)
Romi Febriyanto Saputro-facts taken from this site, the Office of Library librarian Sragen Regency
Source : Suara Merdeka, 29 November 2003