Book Title: Nusantara: History of Indonesia
Author: Bernard H.M. Vlekke
Translator: Samsudin Berlian
Publisher: Popular literature Gramedia
Mold: I, 2008
Bold: xxiv 528 pages
Geliat in the middle of the translation work of history books, for example, The History of Java works of Thomas Stamford Raffles and The History of Sumatra's William Marsden, then, the archipelago: A History of India (translated title: Nusantara: History of Indonesia), the paper indolog Bernard H. M. Vlekke, written around 1941-1943. Japan's attack on the United States military base in Asia Pacific (Pearl Harbor), as the marker. Maybe this is the translation of the latest trilogy historiografi encouraging discourse on the history of this country.
A description that made history Vlekke runtut fit neatly. Showing the history of fragment-fragment pre-colonial period up to the nation until the arrival kolonialis (Spanish, Portuguese, and the Netherlands) in the archipelago. Right up to 1945. The discussion portion of the pre-colonial highlighted with a sharp, so many disclose information that rarely diekpektasikan many people. Perhaps it is because of this book can be directly warm welcome from the penggandrung history. Until the rise and reprint the book shelves in terpajang best seller. In this book because the author feels the differing attach historical data (batch documents, books and archives ancient), which comes almost entirely from abroad and recognized otentisitasnya. With the makeup words and paragraphs that menarasikan history ilustratif, beautiful fairy vessel.
First Chapter Vlekke unfold with a description muasal human society and the establishment of the kingdom. However, Indonesia discuss particulars like the human search for the needle in the rick. Because of the diversity of the human race is a knot in it. According to anthropologist with two, P. and F. Sarasin, for example, before the advent of the ancestor of the Indonesian nation joined in the wave''Proto-Malays and Deutero'', the original population of the Indonesian archipelago is a race of dark skin and a small well. But slowly after the arrival of the new more choose to inhabit areas of coastal beaches, remnants of the original residents of this conservative end to the hinterland. This certainly break the assumption that most people think that during this great nation comes from the Yunan region in mainland China.
Not that many historians regard to the issue in a comprehensive history of Indonesia. One of the few that are Vlekke. To review the history here kingdoms in Java, the author does not just ignore the information from two very phenomenal book of history that often be in essence the history of the park archipelago. Book is Pararaton and Negarakertagama. And, can be only two that made the book this sources from within by Vlekke. According to Vlekke, the second book of these is not a pure narrative history. Because the book is based on the good things that have been made king. In short, it is designed simply to strengthen the position of the king.
According to this book, Majapahit is a model of unity in the country's past. Palapa oath Amukti out of the mouth of Gadjah Mada become a symbol of eternal. Name''Nusantara''is the term that is very tacky and refers to the period when Hayam Wuruk unify the various islands large and small across the country, under the auspices of Majapahit empire. Then, during the middle of the archipelago Patrol imperealis Netherlands, when young people and the people of this country enough to discuss their concern roots unity of Indonesia (1908), there is a model for the idea that the historical association in accordance with the most desirable for the day. The notion of unity and to mark the birth of several youth organizations are ultimately fall on the Majapahit. So, Indeed, not a historical moment that called colonialism unify the nation, but because of the silamnya Gilang-sign. Although the issue had spread hot, as the newspaper This Java, Bramartani - assumptions to heart attacks Demak empire of Majapahit kingdom that make this fall - (read more: Ricklefs, Polarising Javanese Society).
Mengkangkangi Netherlands has come to the archipelago. By grasping their wealth plow the earth country. They also mess random some areas archipelago. such as Ternate, Makassar, Mataram, Banten to cause the kingdoms of Islam that meet the fate that is not much different from Majapahit. Not just the arrival kolonialis Netherlands has ballad mourning the human misery of Indonesia more than three centuries. Mission colonial be that this is indeed the population of this country. In which the Dutch called the fire accidental war, but residents do not stay silent, they responded with a resistance that is not less fierce, too. Suffering indigenous population is increasingly visible at the Dutch system of planting apply force. For, have not recognized or menumbalkan millions of people of Indonesia.
In the last chapters, such as in Chapter IX, Vlekke around the new aspects that affect the lives of the people of Indonesia. The author recounts the shocking details of the building structure, city layout and beauty-beauty. No lag, Layers of Dutch people living in Batavia and the particulars of life of the population of Batavia.
Then, in Chapter XX, XI, XII, to review the Chapter XII arogansi imperialist nation, the political climate and the resistance movements in the archipelago (Batavia), especially the political trade in the country, teaching, social mobility and population growth Indies, from the time Herman Williem Daendels, Thomas Stamford Raffles, until the governor general Johannes Van Den Bosch. And, in the last chapters, to discuss the new seeds of the nation and the national movement in the archipelago.
Courage books arranged on the sixteen of this chapter should diacungi thumbs, because installing the title archipelago. The usual term is to be reactionary party Netherlands. Between one period with the next period is displayed with both, to raise chronicles the history of the rich. Read it, as we are dihidangkan treat narrative history of a country that stretches from west to east. However, because this book hunt kekomprehensifan, consequently, thus making discussions never complete. For example, when explained Aru Palakka - Bone king - and captain Jonker - native people of Ambon - (hlm. 183-205), which helps COMPANY Dutch mare, the background is never expressed in play.
As a work of encouraging the history of this state, the archipelago Vlekke this paper suitable for the complete lack of paper indologi and poor children advance knowledge of the history. In addition, the presence of this history books as a recognized Luthfi Assyaukanie, has been to break the thesis about the lack of linkage between the events of the past with current events. From this fact we can know that in the event now have close linkages with the social-political events in the past. (*)
Misbahus Surur, loved history, post-graduate students UIN Malang
Source: Jawa Pos, Sunday, 09 November 2008