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Kamis, 06 November 2008

Building a Library "Model health"

Romi Febriyanto Saputro
Source:, 14 September 2004

Today, 14 September 2004, the Library Day visit, and on 20 September 2004 the future of this nation will make a feast of democracy, the election of the president and vice president to round II, which will determine the direction this nation is five years into the future. As a man who worked in the library environment, the author is expecting anyone later elected as the president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia will bring progress for the development of the world's libraries in the country.
In Konggres Librarian Association of Indonesia (IPI) at the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) on 9 June 2004, the theme of "Outstanding Librarian Association of Indonesia (IPI) in the present scene Political Information in Indonesia", revealed that the condition of the library as a source of information and pillars education in Indonesia is still alarming.
From all the libraries in the U.S., 90 percent of them do not yet have a complete infrastructure in terms of human resources, budget, and facilities and infrastructure. These conditions concern is evident in the number of titles and copies are still limited, the arrangement of the interior, lighting is not comfortable library, librarian and a lack of vision to attract visitors do not seem so friendly to visitors library (Kompas, 10 June 2004).

Library in the environment of higher education was no less alarming. According to the Coordinator of Private Universities (Kopertis) Region VI, Central Java, Prof. Saryadi, estimated that only 5 percent of the approximately 200 private universities in Central Java, which has a laboratory and library adequate to support the research. Meanwhile, about 50 percent of private universities in Central Java, other facilities have only a scratch. In fact, there are amenities not feasible or are not available laboratory and library (Kompas, 25 May 2004).
The library has a mission to increase interest in reading people are not getting proper attention from the government. Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003, which is the latest laws, also does not explicitly mention that the library is one of the sources of learning.
Campaign March and cawapres since the first round and also advanced to the second round this also did not mention anything about the library. In short, throughout the republic 59 years of age, the library has always been a priority for the last built compared with other sectors.
Policy development in the field of libraries is not yet clear right direction, although the government has to make a rule about the national library, the provincial library, public library district / city, public library district, and village library. Consequently, these policies are just paper tiger because it is only done with half-hearted.
This is very different, for example, with the policy in the field of health. To serve the public health, in addition to any general hospital in the regional capital of the district / city, the government also established the community health center (Puskesmas) in the capital district, complete with a car fleet of mobile health centers that are ready to reach villages in the districts of each. In fact, for the district, which is very broad, the government established two units in one district health center. Thus, people do not need to go far to get health care services.
Policy development in the field of library in contrast to the policy development in the field of health. The implementation of development policies in the field only to the library in the district / city level with the public library district / city, with a car / bus bookmobile, which should serve the entire district and village in a district / city. How do the results? Read the community interest we are not experiencing significant growth.
Had the government seriously, the government must start with building a public library district, which stands as its own health center and not just stay in office space Camat. This public library district must also be equipped with a car fleet of mobile library district to serve that function and increase interest in reading people in the villages in remote areas. All the library district that must be coordinated by a public library district / city to establish a network of information-based library information technology (the Internet).
With the concept of network public library district, the library has entered into the actual field work. This, given the low interest read most of the people in the villages far from urban areas so that (their) difficult to access the library, which is only running tolerably well in the capital city districts and cities.
Of the public library districts will bring some positive impact. First, easier access to information in the community. Ease of access to information means that the facilities in the progress of the open door. Conversely, the difficulty of accessing information means closing the opportunity for people to achieve progress. Moreover, in the era when this third millennium, information has become something that is very important that this century is also called the century of information.
Second, can stimulate growth and development of library school library village. The condition of the school library and the library village lamentable condition.
With the assistance of decentralization and the village school library by the public library district, will cut the range missile that is too long. Coordination with the branch of the local district education office for the construction of the school library and coordination with the local district office for the construction of the village library is relatively easy to do. Lack of institutions, schools and library builder village library can also be ended.
Third, improve the reading public interest. One of the main obstacles in improving the reading public interest is not the availability of adequate sources of reading in the grass roots level. Network public library district is expected to become a medium between the grass roots in one hand and the availability of appropriate reading materials in the other side.
Efforts to increase public interest in reading during this miskoordinasi impressed. No integration of the movement to increase public interest in reading. Private parties, individuals, and NGOs run rests with its own garden and reads container certain communities, such as the 1001 Book Foundation, which attempted to collect books for public assistance. Meanwhile, the government seems half-hearted build a library of sufficient interest to improve the reading public.
Should the government with the private sector, individuals, NGOs and optimize the first draft of the public library. If the concept that there are not optimized to establish what new concepts to improve the reading public interest. Village Books, which had declared in Ipswich with a goal to increase public interest in reading, but now live classic nameplate. No follow-ups.
Similarly, the concept of prestigious Tourism Village Books in Rembang, to be implemented if the conditions of what a public library that is not optimized first.
It is not the time anymore memosisikan library "as an institution knows" that always expect help books. This paradigm should be discarded long. Building the library should wholeheartedly, as we build the state economy, which both need to work to support the large funds.