Romi Febriyanto Saputro
World Bank Sanctions Committee has issued a black list containing the names 10 individuals and 26 companies that are considered to have been doing shady practices and corruption in the implementation of the Project Development of Books and Reading (Book and Reading Development Project / BRDP) in Indonesia worth 53,232,000 U.S. dollars, funded by the The World Bank. With included in the blacklist, the companies that will no longer be eligible to receive a new contract, funded by the World Bank during the specified period, ie 2-15 years. In addition, the World Bank also ask the Indonesian Government to restore the 10 million U.S. dollar loan from the project, which assessed terindikasi is cheating or corruption (Kompas, 30 September 2004).
Despite the news from the truth, the book project procurement package is vulnerable to the threat of practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN). For, the procurement of books concerning the funding package that is very large in number with the difficulty level is relatively low. In this case, the publisher only makes a few titles, and then reproduce thousands of times according to the order. Viruses are like KKN (sorry) flatus odor that relationship, but it can not be seen wujudnya.
The book is the key to improving the quality of education, but in the world of education is in fact identical to the problems. In addition, the one thing that just disrupt the face of education we are selling books directly by the publisher to the school. Nuance nepotism between the publisher and the school is very thick because as though the school replace the role of bookstores to distribute books. The publisher will usually give a certain commission to the parties for each school textbooks sold.
Practices book package / lessons in the education world we tend not healthy. Model procurement package books / lessons, as happened when this will only memasung authority of teachers. Teachers are forced to use the books and forced package / lessons that have been set by the government, although sometimes not in accordance with the conditions and background of students.
Similarly, sales practices by textbook publishers directly to the school will only burden the students from the families can not afford. Model of books such as this clearly ignores the fact that their own education and feel more viscous business. Plow profits from the land of education.
Practices procurement package books / subjects such as this must be ended immediately. Government procurement projects can replace the books with cash assistance package the purchase of textbooks for students, especially from among the not afford. Students are given the freedom to buy books in bookstores after obtaining advice, feedback, and direction from teachers. Let them buy their own textbooks in accordance with the taste of each. Books that have been purchased by students at the end of the academic year returned to the school to be used by the younger class.
Sales of books directly to the school by the publisher must also prohibited. In this case, the publisher has undermined the dignity of the school as an institution to be education institutions business. Education should be a social experience has metamorfosis with the capitalist spirit. Capitalism is in the end will only burden the parents.
Removal project book package / lessons, both sponsored by the government and publishers of books, in various forms and wujudnya will bring some positive impact. First, restore the authority and dignity of the teachers. Second, develop teaching multi-directional. Third, increase student interest in reading. Read the interests of students will continue during the stagnant dikondisikan students should be guided and feel enough with only one kind of book package / lessons only.
Teaching-learning process for this, recognized or not, tend to be dominated by teaching the same direction. Students only be the object must accept any teacher who submitted, including the type of book that teaching should be used. With the release of students using the textbook teaching different, it will open a space for discussion, dialogue, and communicate. Thus, the process of learning and teaching will be dynamic, open and democratic.
Philosopher Paulo Freire encourage the learning-teaching logics should inspire students with creativity and motivate students to learn how to find the data, analyze the data in the actual meaning.
Teaching a multi-way means to invite students to think and understand the subject matter. Not just hear, receive, and keep in mind. After understand the subject matter, then formed the new knowledge that makes sense. Something that makes sense will be more durable in memory retention of students. Even if it will be easy to forget to remember it again.
Do not forget, read the interests of students will continue during the stagnant dikondisikan students should be guided and feel enough with only one kind of book package / lessons. With books, which vary in one class, students will be pushed to read and compare the various reference. And, if students feel not enough to book lessons in the classroom, they will be covered in the school library to enrich knowledge.
The increasing interest in reading students are expected to stimulate the schools to improve the quality of the school library. The school is expected to be put in the position of the school library where the reverend. Library schools should be centers of learning that pluralitas activities for active learning, cooperation, research, and interpretation. Thus, it is expected that education in the schools will be able to bring the next generation of culture that will give effect to the community.
World Bank Sanctions Committee has issued a black list containing the names 10 individuals and 26 companies that are considered to have been doing shady practices and corruption in the implementation of the Project Development of Books and Reading (Book and Reading Development Project / BRDP) in Indonesia worth 53,232,000 U.S. dollars, funded by the The World Bank. With included in the blacklist, the companies that will no longer be eligible to receive a new contract, funded by the World Bank during the specified period, ie 2-15 years. In addition, the World Bank also ask the Indonesian Government to restore the 10 million U.S. dollar loan from the project, which assessed terindikasi is cheating or corruption (Kompas, 30 September 2004).
Despite the news from the truth, the book project procurement package is vulnerable to the threat of practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN). For, the procurement of books concerning the funding package that is very large in number with the difficulty level is relatively low. In this case, the publisher only makes a few titles, and then reproduce thousands of times according to the order. Viruses are like KKN (sorry) flatus odor that relationship, but it can not be seen wujudnya.
The book is the key to improving the quality of education, but in the world of education is in fact identical to the problems. In addition, the one thing that just disrupt the face of education we are selling books directly by the publisher to the school. Nuance nepotism between the publisher and the school is very thick because as though the school replace the role of bookstores to distribute books. The publisher will usually give a certain commission to the parties for each school textbooks sold.
Practices book package / lessons in the education world we tend not healthy. Model procurement package books / lessons, as happened when this will only memasung authority of teachers. Teachers are forced to use the books and forced package / lessons that have been set by the government, although sometimes not in accordance with the conditions and background of students.
Similarly, sales practices by textbook publishers directly to the school will only burden the students from the families can not afford. Model of books such as this clearly ignores the fact that their own education and feel more viscous business. Plow profits from the land of education.
Practices procurement package books / subjects such as this must be ended immediately. Government procurement projects can replace the books with cash assistance package the purchase of textbooks for students, especially from among the not afford. Students are given the freedom to buy books in bookstores after obtaining advice, feedback, and direction from teachers. Let them buy their own textbooks in accordance with the taste of each. Books that have been purchased by students at the end of the academic year returned to the school to be used by the younger class.
Sales of books directly to the school by the publisher must also prohibited. In this case, the publisher has undermined the dignity of the school as an institution to be education institutions business. Education should be a social experience has metamorfosis with the capitalist spirit. Capitalism is in the end will only burden the parents.
Removal project book package / lessons, both sponsored by the government and publishers of books, in various forms and wujudnya will bring some positive impact. First, restore the authority and dignity of the teachers. Second, develop teaching multi-directional. Third, increase student interest in reading. Read the interests of students will continue during the stagnant dikondisikan students should be guided and feel enough with only one kind of book package / lessons only.
Teaching-learning process for this, recognized or not, tend to be dominated by teaching the same direction. Students only be the object must accept any teacher who submitted, including the type of book that teaching should be used. With the release of students using the textbook teaching different, it will open a space for discussion, dialogue, and communicate. Thus, the process of learning and teaching will be dynamic, open and democratic.
Philosopher Paulo Freire encourage the learning-teaching logics should inspire students with creativity and motivate students to learn how to find the data, analyze the data in the actual meaning.
Teaching a multi-way means to invite students to think and understand the subject matter. Not just hear, receive, and keep in mind. After understand the subject matter, then formed the new knowledge that makes sense. Something that makes sense will be more durable in memory retention of students. Even if it will be easy to forget to remember it again.
Do not forget, read the interests of students will continue during the stagnant dikondisikan students should be guided and feel enough with only one kind of book package / lessons. With books, which vary in one class, students will be pushed to read and compare the various reference. And, if students feel not enough to book lessons in the classroom, they will be covered in the school library to enrich knowledge.
The increasing interest in reading students are expected to stimulate the schools to improve the quality of the school library. The school is expected to be put in the position of the school library where the reverend. Library schools should be centers of learning that pluralitas activities for active learning, cooperation, research, and interpretation. Thus, it is expected that education in the schools will be able to bring the next generation of culture that will give effect to the community.