This article has been off the Champions 1 On Article About Writing Competition Kepustakawanan Indonesia held by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia
Romi Febriyanto Saputro
A. Introduction
According to Law No. 43 Year 2007 About the Library, National Library is a non departments that perform the tasks of government in the field of libraries that function as a library builder, reference library, the library deposit, library research, library and conservation center network library, and in capital of the country.
Looking at the paragraph above, the functions carried out by the National Library is not incidental. Need a smart step that the various functions can be implemented properly. One of the steps that can be smart is to empower the existence of information technology and not just use it to replace manual service.
Various functions of the above will not materialize if not properly supported by the empowerment of information technology. With information technology, various functions will be more than the benefits of the community. In other words, information technology will improve the quality of service National Library.
B. Information Technology
Information technology (hereinafter abbreviated IT) is a technology used to process the data, including the process, get, preparing, storing, manipulating data in various ways to produce high quality information, information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for the purposes personal, business and government and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a computer to process data, the network system to connect a computer to other computers in accordance with the needs, and telecommunications technology can be used for data and is accessible globally (Wawan Wardiana, 2002)
See the development of IT in the ground water feels like something is wrong. Ibaratnya like, "vegetables without salt." The resurrection of South Korea with IT to be used as a "knife analysis" to dissect this phenomenon. This country can become major players as the country's IT producers.
Korea is the first country to launch the product CDMA mobile phone service in a commercial in 1996. Two years later, broadband internet services are the first in the world also launched in this country. Followed by another spectacular outcomes, such as digital broadcasting (2001), the launch of e-Government (2002), development of a pilot service Internet Broadbank Wireless / Wibro (2004), and the launch of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting / DMB (2005).
Booming industry and information communication technology (ICT) to become one of the important factors behind the rapid economic recovery South Korea from the financial crisis of 1997 and into the economy that much stronger. In three years, e-commerce transactions increased from 7.2 million transactions (2003) to 12.8 million (2006).
Export of ICT products also jumped from 48.4 billion U.S. dollars (2001) to 113.3 billion U.S. dollars (2006). Donations ICT components in the gross domestic product (GDP) real national jumped from 10.1 percent (2001) to 16.2 percent in the same period of time.
Rapid growth of the Internet from the ICT industry is driven by two things. First, rapid adaptation to the new technology. This enthusiasm can not be released from the culture of self-education nation South Korea. Revolution in the field of digital technology may not happen without the support of consumers who are very open to new technology and innovation.
The level of Internet penetration in the household level reached nearly 80 percent, while among the industry almost 100 percent. Internet quickly replace the TV as the main source of information. From housewives, students of primary schools, small traders, office workers have to take advantage of Internet services. In four years, the Internet services business revenue jumped 36.4 percent from 10,000 billion won (1999) to 3,700 billion won (2003)
The second factor is the tight competition among Internet service provider, such as Korea Telecom, Hanaro and Thrunet, which can cause consumers to enjoy cheaper prices. Not less important is the support of government policy through the IT839 strategy and e-korean program through the development of network infrastructure information and communication high since 1995.
The result, South Korea successfully realize the ambition to become information society in the 21st Century, far more than the target. In informatisasi global index, the position of South Korea continued to increase from the order of 22 (1998) to 12 (2003) and 3 (2005). For Digital Oppurtinity Index prepared by Inter national Telecommunication Union, South Korea at the top for two successive years. As a city, the capital city of Seoul is also still in the top e-gonernance, defeat Hong Kong, Heksinki, Singapore, Madrid, and London.
The base of knowledge and cultural literacy is a strong main secret of success of Korea. Strong knowledge base that allows Korea to make a big jump in a creative innovation, until finally innovate and become self-developed countries at this time.
When the Vietnam War after the President of the United States and offer assistance to Korea on services during the war, not many who asked President Park at that time. United States finally awaken to Korea laboratory of the Ipod and then called KIST (Korean Institute of Science and Technology). KIST is this that has a major role in building a strong knowledge base in Korea.
Strong knowledge base that will be difficult to realize, without the cultural literacy is also strong. Almost all of the information and knowledge available in the form of writing (books, magazines, journals, newspapers, brochures, pamphlets, etc.). Information in the form of writing has many advantages compared to media in other forms. Although the Internet has been available that help us provide various information, but the books remain the main instrument. The most important policy of encouraging cultural literacy is the library.
IT and library can be symbolized as the "two sides of one currency the same." IT presence in the library will be easier to apply the concept of knowledge management. IT will facilitate the development of libraries in their database, tracing information, the digital transformation, and the campaign.
IT without the support of the library will only generate consumption technology, the technology is barren. Library role lay a strong foundation to build community through the information. Community that is able to empower the information not just consume information. So, to prepare for the role the library community to "ready to enjoy the" IT.
Preparedness is important that the community can maximize the role of IT to improve the quality of life. Ironically, until the current readiness of the community for IT has not optimizing brisk. Ketidaksiapan this phenomenon, it appears on: first, the phenomena of pornography and chat on the Internet.
People who are not ready will only be interested in the information garbage in the Internet and allergy with full nutritional information also provided by the Internet. Reality proves nearly eighty percent of internet users we love sites that contain pornography and Pornoaction. Internet also is used only for purposes that are not productive kind of "chat" which is a new package of customs "ngerumpi" community. In this case the Internet reinforces even more the oral tradition is not a tradition of reading and writing community.
Second, the phenomenon Hotspot. Hotspot can be easily found in any place. Schools, colleges, shops, angkringan, cafes and shopping malls. With only his laptop and Lesbian sitting in cafes, a person can be surfing on the virtual world. This is to encourage increased sales of laptop.
Ironically, however, fever Hotspot, which currently runs the community not to trigger the awareness of nations memanfaatakan technology, and only shows the sheer celebration of consumerism. According to Arie Sujito (2008), Gadjah Mada University sociologist, Hotspot fever which occurred as a new lifestyle trend. That is still a user and not really take advantage of technology to improve the quality of private. Goodbye, Hotspot areas that often are not libraries cafe or shopping malls but.
Third, the phenomenon of electronic book package the Ministry of Education. Schools can not be estimated using the electronic book package with a maximum of limited facilities and supporting infrastructure, such as the internet connected computer. Schools must remove the cost of technology to support the electronic book package.
C. Revolution Service
In the introduction, the authors have revealed little about the urgency of improving the quality of service National Library. Improving the quality of this service is associated with the position of National Library as a library builder, reference library, the library deposit, library research, library and conservation of the central library network. Six of these functions can be claimed to provide the best service to the community. In other words, can give satisfaction to pemustaka throughout the country.
Improving the quality of services in a holistic approach is more appropriate term is called "Service Revolution". Why? Because the struggle to achieve necessary and the heroic sacrifice of all the elements in the National Library. Need hard work and cooperation of all parties in providing satisfaction to pemustaka.
Revolution library service is expected to bring the National Library into a library research. According to Soeatminah (1999), there are three stages of the library, the first stage of the warehouse books (Period House Store). In this stage, the library works only as a place to store and treat the book, with the main goal saved from damage.
Second, the level of services (Service Period). This phase is marked by the increasing number of collections of libraries and the number of users in the community. Field of library service to get a challenge from the users who hope to get good service.
Third, the level of education and research (Research and Educational Period). Library at this stage, functioning as a place to educate and develop community users. The library is able to give satisfaction to the users in developing knowledge, especially for those who really taken his knowledge. Library for educators and researchers are channeling information as well as a source of inspiration.
1. Revolution coach library services.
As a library builder, National Library are required to provide services on ways of better management of the library and the right to all the libraries in the ground water. Site official National Library must load the guidelines of library books that are easily accessible by the public. The procedure for processing library materials such as: classification, inventory, installation of completeness, books, and the menu katalogisasi is mandatory in the National Library website. Similarly with the ways of library services, must also be part of a "menu" is carried.
National Library can make a book classification DDC (Dewey decimal Classification), the subject header guidelines, and regulations Katalogisasi Indonesia in the form of digital books downloaded free by the library and the community. During the public still have difficulties to obtain the books Unsurprisingly, the "holy book of" the world's library in the land of water. With this policy is expected that all regulations related to the library world increasingly understood by the library in the land of water.
Training modules, which is produced by the Center for Training and National Library can be made in digital format and shown in the official website National Library accessible to the public open. During this in the website only books that can be categorized in the "general guidelines and general instructions." Yet the specific and detailed to teach library science and kepustakawanan. Thus, they are about public libraries also expected to be quick and practical understanding of the world's libraries.
In addition, by digitizing learning modules Kenshu Center, the National Library can also undertake a training program library distance. Training and library distance is practical, is a form of empowering IT to accelerate the process of building a library in the land of water.
2. Revolution of library reference services.
The direction of the development of the service revolution is the realization of library reference hybrids (Hybrid library). Christine L Borgman (2003), reveal that the hybrid library is a library designed to manage the technology from two different sources, including electronic resources and collections of printed sources that can be accessed through a short distance and long distance.
Unlike with digital library, the concept of hybrid library tries to maintain a collection of printed, not replace it with a digital collection. Library hybrids have a permanent collection of printed and digital equivalent of a collection. Libraries try to expand the hybrid concept and scope of services, information, so the addition of a digital collection and use of computer technology can not be separated from the service-based printed collection.
Countries including the most active in research and development of the concept of hybrid library is English. These countries hold a five hybrid library project, each given a name BUILDER, Agora, Malibu, Headline, and Hylife. These are part of a large project E-lib. Each project has a distinctive characteristic, but together they find the best ways to develop library services by utilizing the latest technology.
BUILDER Hybrid Library, developed at the University of Birmingham to study the impact of the hybrid library users in universities, ranging from students, teachers, to the management of the campus. This project is concentrating on observations about the provision of environmental information services, library services, which combine regular and electronic services. But at the same time the University of Birmingham also is developing a new learning environment that utilize computer technology.
Agora is a consortium led by the University of East Anglia with a concentration in the Hybrid Library Management System. In this project, the attention given to the development of information systems based on the concept of "search-find, prompted-serve." Various experiments conducted to develop an integrated service, using the Z39.50 standard, which brings together the various functions and services to the library in a web-based services. The user is expected to be helped best by a similar service for various purposes using various types of media, both in the local library collection, and that is in the collections of other libraries.
Malibu developed by the King's College London. Special to learn the development of hybrids in the field of library science culture (humanities). Interesting to note, this project is also likely to learn the involvement of service users with invites them to make a User Scenario. The teknolog librarian and then apply this scenario in the plan development and management services.
Headline Project by the London School of Economics, experimenting with environmental services, personal information by developing a portal that allows library users to access information in digital or manual is integrated. This portal can be changed according to taste and give the user the facilities to raise users who have similar interests in one particular group.
HuLife at the University of Northumbria focus on the problems of non-technology to understand how to best operate the library hybrids. One of the results of this project is the Hybrid Library Toolkit, a guide who want to develop their electronic services, in accordance with the needs of the institution.
3. Revolution deposit library services.
One of the tasks and functions of National Library as a center of the deposit is a national issue in implementing the Law No. 4 / 1990 on serah save paper and printing paper record. Based on these laws, the National Library and National Library Province has the task to conduct union, storage, preservation materials and paper and printing paper record produced in Indonesia.
However, efforts to raise the national publication is still experiencing obstacles, among others still lack awareness of publishers, especially publishers of government, terbitannya to submit to the National Library to be. The barrier is worsened by the policy of regional autonomy that caused the National Library into assets Province Provincial Government.
Publication of books per year by 7500 title (the results of a survey study published books in 2002 and 2003 in Indonesia by the National Library in cooperation with the Research IPB), 375 new titles (2002) and 400 title (2003) submitted to the publisher's Library National. Most of that was that consists of non-government publication.
To optimize the collection serah-store printing paper and paper record National Library and the libraries of the province must do "service met the ball." To maximize the results of the services met the ball, Involve the existence of public library districts and cities. Moreover, while this is the era of regional autonomy, so that if reasonable public library district / city to get a significant role.
Each month a public library district / city participation can be requested to monitor the amount of paper printing and publishing works of a new record in each district / city land in the water. Public library district / city also can be used as a transit place for the publisher / recording businessmen who want to submit the papers print / paper record-making. Furthermore, the public library district / kotalah that send to the library for the province forwarded to the national library. Thus, publishers and recording need not bother to submit their own national library.
This service will pick the ball will be more effective if the server side with the decentralization of the ISBN number (International Standard Book Numbers) and barcode price that is necessary to promote the publisher of products both in and outside the country / international.
With decentralization ISBN, the publisher simply take the ISBN in the public library districts and cities that are designed with the online library of the province and the national library. ISBN decentralization will facilitate the process of monitoring and collecting paper from print publishers because it served directly by the public library district / city. ISBN publishing services integrated with the service to receive serah-store printing paper is not expected to minimize detection by the issuance of new library books, as happened during this.
To further increase the participation of the publisher, National Library can provide an alternative to the publishers to send books terbitannya in the form of digital books. These digital books can be uploaded to the website of the deposit National Library that can be accessed by the public.
Public services can open this book digital, but can not download this book. In this case the deposit library also serves as a media campaign so that the new book will be profitable book publishers. If someone want the new book, you can buy directly in the book shops.
4. Revolution services research library / research.
Revolution this service can be started with the National Library to develop as a center for research / research. Library research have various characteristics, namely, first, a comprehensive collection and led to a special field of study, research on certain. Thus, a collection of books National Library needs to be directed to the realization of various central collection of certain areas of research. Collection of research centers such as language, science research center, and central areas of social science research.
Second, the collection is always up to date. Kemutakhiran research library collection is very important, because researchers need information about the latest developments in the field of the research study. Typically, collections of the current form of scientific journals.
Third, the dominant user of the library is a research professional researchers or civitas academica are research activities. Specialization is a research library service, Current Awareness Service (CAS) as a service that supports the dynamics and mobility needs of the researchers as clients.
As a research library, National Library will need to make innovations to better service known by the researchers and academic. According to Fadil Hasan, as cited by the Tempo Interactive, 23 May 2005, only 20 percent of the researchers who use the facilities of National Library. Survey conducted against 60 researchers in Jakarta and Durban. From the survey, 65 percent even as others have never been to the National Library. The rest, only occasionally visited.
According to Fadil, the respondents generally believe that the library contained in the Salemba, Central Jakarta, the collection is not complete and less specific. In addition, the more they use the Internet to deepen research. Some 70 percent use the Internet.
Function as a library research requires the National Library is able to provide services to pemustaka that would make the search for information. This function is necessary in the response by the National Library to do with the revolution itself into a digital library that continually "up to date" to provide information quickly and precisely to the community.
Library research can complete themselves by preparing independent digital encyclopedia, dictionary digital, digital handbook, Guidebook digital directory, digital, and digital almanac. Without this step, functions as a research library will not run dynamic.
Subhan (2006) reveal that the digitalization is one of the steps to access information and cooperation antarperpustakaan become more smoothly. With digitalization, the researchers can easily access information for research needs.
Library research gives hope of progress and prosperity. With research, science developed further. The hope, that confinement of snowball effect as increasing the quality of human resources. Developed countries have long been aware of the size of the benefits of research. Through research, innovations, so I can be a valuable commodity selling and high competitiveness.
5. Revolution preservation of library services.
Direction of a revolution in the field of conservation service is to publish a manuscript codex-owned by the National Library in digital format. Currently, the National Library has some ancient script that is dialihmediakan in digital format, such as Barmartani (Soerakarta, 1855) and Soerat Chabar Luggage (Betawi, 1858).
However, the ancient script, the script is not accessible by the public through the Internet (digital format). In one of the goals of preservation-scriptwriting codex is the process of exploration and exploitation of the ancient script. Opening access to the public will be open to increasing the rate of functionality and keterpakaian script-the script.
How beautiful, if the public can access the collection of newspapers owned by the National Library published in the Diponegoro War through the Internet. This will add insight children of this nation's history through written records of the journalists at that time.
When this knowledge about the war in Aceh, the Diponegoro War and Padri War, only obtained from the history books, the newspaper published in the colonial era to give information directly accident. Thus the public can follow with more detailed figures and important events that day will be soon become a integral part of the journey is not this nation.
In addition, the National Library also must make "commentary / explanation" from the ancient script, a script that collection. Explanation of the script is important also to be published in the National Library website that glorious cultural heritage of the nation better known by and in my community.
6. Revolution central library network.
According to article 12 of Law No. 43 Year 2007, the Library, said that the library conduct cooperation with various parties to improve service to pemustaka. Objectives of this cooperation is to increase the number of pemustaka that can be served and improve the quality of library services. Cooperation is done by using the network library system based IT and communications.
Until now, no single library that can menahbiskan himself as the most complete library in the world. Tahbis that a new library with the largest number of collections. For the inter-library cooperation is needed in order to grind down, Asih, and foster the pemustaka to improve service.
National Library is a "payungnya" all the libraries in the land of water have been duly pioneered the formation of IT-based network library in the land of water. The first step that can be taken is to establish a national network of Regional Library Province in Indonesia.
The second step is establishing a national network of public library districts and cities in each province. This can be coordinated with each Regional Library Province in Indonesia. Next, establish a national network of libraries, universities across Indonesia. This can be started from the libraries of universities (PTN).
To accelerate the formation of the network library, the National Library need to do to make a revolution with the library automation program that can be downloaded for free by people in the National Library website. MARC format for the preparation of Indonesia (INDOMARC) without followed by real steps will not bring much meaning. Given that not all libraries in the ground water is able to purchase automation program independently.
National Library can accomplish the automation programs such as free from the UNESCO CDS / Isis and Isis WIN so that can be used in addition to the data base also can be used for the service. With this step, the entire library in the land of water can obtain automation program that is easy and cheap that will accelerate the process of establishing a national information network library.
E. Revolution Librarian
To support the success of the service revolution, National Library needed a revolution of human resources, especially the quality revolution librarian. Revolution is directed to increase the appreciation of the IT librarian. The high appreciation of IT will strengthen the position of librarian in the face of the rapid development of IT.
Librarian actually have a strong capital around the world for IT. To design a program a computer programmer always hold consultations with field-related problem. Given the stake up this program can not be made vain. A world in a special Web site content or the content of the web site they need to brainstorm with the parties who are considered experts, namely, the librarian.
This is the most pustakawanlah know in the search and willingness netter or penelusur. So clearly the IT experts can only make the system program, but not the contents. Mengkategori ability, memfiling document file is the ability of the librarian is very reliable. The division of the domain name for the file, the location koding even to form the metadata storage format is very dependent on the librarian.
So the programmers who create a simple framework, and pustakawanlah that fill with the content of the editorial policy. Feed content of this data is highly dependent on the ability of the librarian is knowledge. For example, after an Internet membrowsing obtained the materials that can be good to include in the email address or engine (data entry) to reporters. If there is no web-based can be scanned from books or magazines. Then I make a news reporter with the guidance of librarian.
Then the librarian also started registering all the material that had Fetch (appear) on the web site and dikemasulang in the CD, either in the form of text data, images, or MP3 or MPVG and others.
Librarian with a capital expense can also become a self merevolusi scientists. As a scientist, librarian should be able to empower the information not just melayankan information. Andy Alayyubi (2001) revealed that the librarian is the ideal addition to professional, he is also a scientist.
During this, especially in research institutions, the work of librarian only provide information for scientists. The librarian is satisfied when scientists have to get the information dicarinya.
This phenomenon should be changed. If we think again, we should have questioned why a librarian is always "adjuvant" that all the needs of scientists, "employer" we have. Yah, librarian scientists have needs in the form of information. Keilmuwanan librarian will be able to prove if he delivered the paper. Kegiatanvmenulis this is a wetland in the number obtain credit. Cons librarian at this time, they only focus on routine activities that have the pick to win a small number credit.
Romi Febriyanto Saputro
A. Introduction
According to Law No. 43 Year 2007 About the Library, National Library is a non departments that perform the tasks of government in the field of libraries that function as a library builder, reference library, the library deposit, library research, library and conservation center network library, and in capital of the country.
Looking at the paragraph above, the functions carried out by the National Library is not incidental. Need a smart step that the various functions can be implemented properly. One of the steps that can be smart is to empower the existence of information technology and not just use it to replace manual service.
Various functions of the above will not materialize if not properly supported by the empowerment of information technology. With information technology, various functions will be more than the benefits of the community. In other words, information technology will improve the quality of service National Library.
B. Information Technology
Information technology (hereinafter abbreviated IT) is a technology used to process the data, including the process, get, preparing, storing, manipulating data in various ways to produce high quality information, information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for the purposes personal, business and government and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a computer to process data, the network system to connect a computer to other computers in accordance with the needs, and telecommunications technology can be used for data and is accessible globally (Wawan Wardiana, 2002)
See the development of IT in the ground water feels like something is wrong. Ibaratnya like, "vegetables without salt." The resurrection of South Korea with IT to be used as a "knife analysis" to dissect this phenomenon. This country can become major players as the country's IT producers.
Korea is the first country to launch the product CDMA mobile phone service in a commercial in 1996. Two years later, broadband internet services are the first in the world also launched in this country. Followed by another spectacular outcomes, such as digital broadcasting (2001), the launch of e-Government (2002), development of a pilot service Internet Broadbank Wireless / Wibro (2004), and the launch of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting / DMB (2005).
Booming industry and information communication technology (ICT) to become one of the important factors behind the rapid economic recovery South Korea from the financial crisis of 1997 and into the economy that much stronger. In three years, e-commerce transactions increased from 7.2 million transactions (2003) to 12.8 million (2006).
Export of ICT products also jumped from 48.4 billion U.S. dollars (2001) to 113.3 billion U.S. dollars (2006). Donations ICT components in the gross domestic product (GDP) real national jumped from 10.1 percent (2001) to 16.2 percent in the same period of time.
Rapid growth of the Internet from the ICT industry is driven by two things. First, rapid adaptation to the new technology. This enthusiasm can not be released from the culture of self-education nation South Korea. Revolution in the field of digital technology may not happen without the support of consumers who are very open to new technology and innovation.
The level of Internet penetration in the household level reached nearly 80 percent, while among the industry almost 100 percent. Internet quickly replace the TV as the main source of information. From housewives, students of primary schools, small traders, office workers have to take advantage of Internet services. In four years, the Internet services business revenue jumped 36.4 percent from 10,000 billion won (1999) to 3,700 billion won (2003)
The second factor is the tight competition among Internet service provider, such as Korea Telecom, Hanaro and Thrunet, which can cause consumers to enjoy cheaper prices. Not less important is the support of government policy through the IT839 strategy and e-korean program through the development of network infrastructure information and communication high since 1995.
The result, South Korea successfully realize the ambition to become information society in the 21st Century, far more than the target. In informatisasi global index, the position of South Korea continued to increase from the order of 22 (1998) to 12 (2003) and 3 (2005). For Digital Oppurtinity Index prepared by Inter national Telecommunication Union, South Korea at the top for two successive years. As a city, the capital city of Seoul is also still in the top e-gonernance, defeat Hong Kong, Heksinki, Singapore, Madrid, and London.
The base of knowledge and cultural literacy is a strong main secret of success of Korea. Strong knowledge base that allows Korea to make a big jump in a creative innovation, until finally innovate and become self-developed countries at this time.
When the Vietnam War after the President of the United States and offer assistance to Korea on services during the war, not many who asked President Park at that time. United States finally awaken to Korea laboratory of the Ipod and then called KIST (Korean Institute of Science and Technology). KIST is this that has a major role in building a strong knowledge base in Korea.
Strong knowledge base that will be difficult to realize, without the cultural literacy is also strong. Almost all of the information and knowledge available in the form of writing (books, magazines, journals, newspapers, brochures, pamphlets, etc.). Information in the form of writing has many advantages compared to media in other forms. Although the Internet has been available that help us provide various information, but the books remain the main instrument. The most important policy of encouraging cultural literacy is the library.
IT and library can be symbolized as the "two sides of one currency the same." IT presence in the library will be easier to apply the concept of knowledge management. IT will facilitate the development of libraries in their database, tracing information, the digital transformation, and the campaign.
IT without the support of the library will only generate consumption technology, the technology is barren. Library role lay a strong foundation to build community through the information. Community that is able to empower the information not just consume information. So, to prepare for the role the library community to "ready to enjoy the" IT.
Preparedness is important that the community can maximize the role of IT to improve the quality of life. Ironically, until the current readiness of the community for IT has not optimizing brisk. Ketidaksiapan this phenomenon, it appears on: first, the phenomena of pornography and chat on the Internet.
People who are not ready will only be interested in the information garbage in the Internet and allergy with full nutritional information also provided by the Internet. Reality proves nearly eighty percent of internet users we love sites that contain pornography and Pornoaction. Internet also is used only for purposes that are not productive kind of "chat" which is a new package of customs "ngerumpi" community. In this case the Internet reinforces even more the oral tradition is not a tradition of reading and writing community.
Second, the phenomenon Hotspot. Hotspot can be easily found in any place. Schools, colleges, shops, angkringan, cafes and shopping malls. With only his laptop and Lesbian sitting in cafes, a person can be surfing on the virtual world. This is to encourage increased sales of laptop.
Ironically, however, fever Hotspot, which currently runs the community not to trigger the awareness of nations memanfaatakan technology, and only shows the sheer celebration of consumerism. According to Arie Sujito (2008), Gadjah Mada University sociologist, Hotspot fever which occurred as a new lifestyle trend. That is still a user and not really take advantage of technology to improve the quality of private. Goodbye, Hotspot areas that often are not libraries cafe or shopping malls but.
Third, the phenomenon of electronic book package the Ministry of Education. Schools can not be estimated using the electronic book package with a maximum of limited facilities and supporting infrastructure, such as the internet connected computer. Schools must remove the cost of technology to support the electronic book package.
C. Revolution Service
In the introduction, the authors have revealed little about the urgency of improving the quality of service National Library. Improving the quality of this service is associated with the position of National Library as a library builder, reference library, the library deposit, library research, library and conservation of the central library network. Six of these functions can be claimed to provide the best service to the community. In other words, can give satisfaction to pemustaka throughout the country.
Improving the quality of services in a holistic approach is more appropriate term is called "Service Revolution". Why? Because the struggle to achieve necessary and the heroic sacrifice of all the elements in the National Library. Need hard work and cooperation of all parties in providing satisfaction to pemustaka.
Revolution library service is expected to bring the National Library into a library research. According to Soeatminah (1999), there are three stages of the library, the first stage of the warehouse books (Period House Store). In this stage, the library works only as a place to store and treat the book, with the main goal saved from damage.
Second, the level of services (Service Period). This phase is marked by the increasing number of collections of libraries and the number of users in the community. Field of library service to get a challenge from the users who hope to get good service.
Third, the level of education and research (Research and Educational Period). Library at this stage, functioning as a place to educate and develop community users. The library is able to give satisfaction to the users in developing knowledge, especially for those who really taken his knowledge. Library for educators and researchers are channeling information as well as a source of inspiration.
1. Revolution coach library services.
As a library builder, National Library are required to provide services on ways of better management of the library and the right to all the libraries in the ground water. Site official National Library must load the guidelines of library books that are easily accessible by the public. The procedure for processing library materials such as: classification, inventory, installation of completeness, books, and the menu katalogisasi is mandatory in the National Library website. Similarly with the ways of library services, must also be part of a "menu" is carried.
National Library can make a book classification DDC (Dewey decimal Classification), the subject header guidelines, and regulations Katalogisasi Indonesia in the form of digital books downloaded free by the library and the community. During the public still have difficulties to obtain the books Unsurprisingly, the "holy book of" the world's library in the land of water. With this policy is expected that all regulations related to the library world increasingly understood by the library in the land of water.
Training modules, which is produced by the Center for Training and National Library can be made in digital format and shown in the official website National Library accessible to the public open. During this in the website only books that can be categorized in the "general guidelines and general instructions." Yet the specific and detailed to teach library science and kepustakawanan. Thus, they are about public libraries also expected to be quick and practical understanding of the world's libraries.
In addition, by digitizing learning modules Kenshu Center, the National Library can also undertake a training program library distance. Training and library distance is practical, is a form of empowering IT to accelerate the process of building a library in the land of water.
2. Revolution of library reference services.
The direction of the development of the service revolution is the realization of library reference hybrids (Hybrid library). Christine L Borgman (2003), reveal that the hybrid library is a library designed to manage the technology from two different sources, including electronic resources and collections of printed sources that can be accessed through a short distance and long distance.
Unlike with digital library, the concept of hybrid library tries to maintain a collection of printed, not replace it with a digital collection. Library hybrids have a permanent collection of printed and digital equivalent of a collection. Libraries try to expand the hybrid concept and scope of services, information, so the addition of a digital collection and use of computer technology can not be separated from the service-based printed collection.
Countries including the most active in research and development of the concept of hybrid library is English. These countries hold a five hybrid library project, each given a name BUILDER, Agora, Malibu, Headline, and Hylife. These are part of a large project E-lib. Each project has a distinctive characteristic, but together they find the best ways to develop library services by utilizing the latest technology.
BUILDER Hybrid Library, developed at the University of Birmingham to study the impact of the hybrid library users in universities, ranging from students, teachers, to the management of the campus. This project is concentrating on observations about the provision of environmental information services, library services, which combine regular and electronic services. But at the same time the University of Birmingham also is developing a new learning environment that utilize computer technology.
Agora is a consortium led by the University of East Anglia with a concentration in the Hybrid Library Management System. In this project, the attention given to the development of information systems based on the concept of "search-find, prompted-serve." Various experiments conducted to develop an integrated service, using the Z39.50 standard, which brings together the various functions and services to the library in a web-based services. The user is expected to be helped best by a similar service for various purposes using various types of media, both in the local library collection, and that is in the collections of other libraries.
Malibu developed by the King's College London. Special to learn the development of hybrids in the field of library science culture (humanities). Interesting to note, this project is also likely to learn the involvement of service users with invites them to make a User Scenario. The teknolog librarian and then apply this scenario in the plan development and management services.
Headline Project by the London School of Economics, experimenting with environmental services, personal information by developing a portal that allows library users to access information in digital or manual is integrated. This portal can be changed according to taste and give the user the facilities to raise users who have similar interests in one particular group.
HuLife at the University of Northumbria focus on the problems of non-technology to understand how to best operate the library hybrids. One of the results of this project is the Hybrid Library Toolkit, a guide who want to develop their electronic services, in accordance with the needs of the institution.
3. Revolution deposit library services.
One of the tasks and functions of National Library as a center of the deposit is a national issue in implementing the Law No. 4 / 1990 on serah save paper and printing paper record. Based on these laws, the National Library and National Library Province has the task to conduct union, storage, preservation materials and paper and printing paper record produced in Indonesia.
However, efforts to raise the national publication is still experiencing obstacles, among others still lack awareness of publishers, especially publishers of government, terbitannya to submit to the National Library to be. The barrier is worsened by the policy of regional autonomy that caused the National Library into assets Province Provincial Government.
Publication of books per year by 7500 title (the results of a survey study published books in 2002 and 2003 in Indonesia by the National Library in cooperation with the Research IPB), 375 new titles (2002) and 400 title (2003) submitted to the publisher's Library National. Most of that was that consists of non-government publication.
To optimize the collection serah-store printing paper and paper record National Library and the libraries of the province must do "service met the ball." To maximize the results of the services met the ball, Involve the existence of public library districts and cities. Moreover, while this is the era of regional autonomy, so that if reasonable public library district / city to get a significant role.
Each month a public library district / city participation can be requested to monitor the amount of paper printing and publishing works of a new record in each district / city land in the water. Public library district / city also can be used as a transit place for the publisher / recording businessmen who want to submit the papers print / paper record-making. Furthermore, the public library district / kotalah that send to the library for the province forwarded to the national library. Thus, publishers and recording need not bother to submit their own national library.
This service will pick the ball will be more effective if the server side with the decentralization of the ISBN number (International Standard Book Numbers) and barcode price that is necessary to promote the publisher of products both in and outside the country / international.
With decentralization ISBN, the publisher simply take the ISBN in the public library districts and cities that are designed with the online library of the province and the national library. ISBN decentralization will facilitate the process of monitoring and collecting paper from print publishers because it served directly by the public library district / city. ISBN publishing services integrated with the service to receive serah-store printing paper is not expected to minimize detection by the issuance of new library books, as happened during this.
To further increase the participation of the publisher, National Library can provide an alternative to the publishers to send books terbitannya in the form of digital books. These digital books can be uploaded to the website of the deposit National Library that can be accessed by the public.
Public services can open this book digital, but can not download this book. In this case the deposit library also serves as a media campaign so that the new book will be profitable book publishers. If someone want the new book, you can buy directly in the book shops.
4. Revolution services research library / research.
Revolution this service can be started with the National Library to develop as a center for research / research. Library research have various characteristics, namely, first, a comprehensive collection and led to a special field of study, research on certain. Thus, a collection of books National Library needs to be directed to the realization of various central collection of certain areas of research. Collection of research centers such as language, science research center, and central areas of social science research.
Second, the collection is always up to date. Kemutakhiran research library collection is very important, because researchers need information about the latest developments in the field of the research study. Typically, collections of the current form of scientific journals.
Third, the dominant user of the library is a research professional researchers or civitas academica are research activities. Specialization is a research library service, Current Awareness Service (CAS) as a service that supports the dynamics and mobility needs of the researchers as clients.
As a research library, National Library will need to make innovations to better service known by the researchers and academic. According to Fadil Hasan, as cited by the Tempo Interactive, 23 May 2005, only 20 percent of the researchers who use the facilities of National Library. Survey conducted against 60 researchers in Jakarta and Durban. From the survey, 65 percent even as others have never been to the National Library. The rest, only occasionally visited.
According to Fadil, the respondents generally believe that the library contained in the Salemba, Central Jakarta, the collection is not complete and less specific. In addition, the more they use the Internet to deepen research. Some 70 percent use the Internet.
Function as a library research requires the National Library is able to provide services to pemustaka that would make the search for information. This function is necessary in the response by the National Library to do with the revolution itself into a digital library that continually "up to date" to provide information quickly and precisely to the community.
Library research can complete themselves by preparing independent digital encyclopedia, dictionary digital, digital handbook, Guidebook digital directory, digital, and digital almanac. Without this step, functions as a research library will not run dynamic.
Subhan (2006) reveal that the digitalization is one of the steps to access information and cooperation antarperpustakaan become more smoothly. With digitalization, the researchers can easily access information for research needs.
Library research gives hope of progress and prosperity. With research, science developed further. The hope, that confinement of snowball effect as increasing the quality of human resources. Developed countries have long been aware of the size of the benefits of research. Through research, innovations, so I can be a valuable commodity selling and high competitiveness.
5. Revolution preservation of library services.
Direction of a revolution in the field of conservation service is to publish a manuscript codex-owned by the National Library in digital format. Currently, the National Library has some ancient script that is dialihmediakan in digital format, such as Barmartani (Soerakarta, 1855) and Soerat Chabar Luggage (Betawi, 1858).
However, the ancient script, the script is not accessible by the public through the Internet (digital format). In one of the goals of preservation-scriptwriting codex is the process of exploration and exploitation of the ancient script. Opening access to the public will be open to increasing the rate of functionality and keterpakaian script-the script.
How beautiful, if the public can access the collection of newspapers owned by the National Library published in the Diponegoro War through the Internet. This will add insight children of this nation's history through written records of the journalists at that time.
When this knowledge about the war in Aceh, the Diponegoro War and Padri War, only obtained from the history books, the newspaper published in the colonial era to give information directly accident. Thus the public can follow with more detailed figures and important events that day will be soon become a integral part of the journey is not this nation.
In addition, the National Library also must make "commentary / explanation" from the ancient script, a script that collection. Explanation of the script is important also to be published in the National Library website that glorious cultural heritage of the nation better known by and in my community.
6. Revolution central library network.
According to article 12 of Law No. 43 Year 2007, the Library, said that the library conduct cooperation with various parties to improve service to pemustaka. Objectives of this cooperation is to increase the number of pemustaka that can be served and improve the quality of library services. Cooperation is done by using the network library system based IT and communications.
Until now, no single library that can menahbiskan himself as the most complete library in the world. Tahbis that a new library with the largest number of collections. For the inter-library cooperation is needed in order to grind down, Asih, and foster the pemustaka to improve service.
National Library is a "payungnya" all the libraries in the land of water have been duly pioneered the formation of IT-based network library in the land of water. The first step that can be taken is to establish a national network of Regional Library Province in Indonesia.
The second step is establishing a national network of public library districts and cities in each province. This can be coordinated with each Regional Library Province in Indonesia. Next, establish a national network of libraries, universities across Indonesia. This can be started from the libraries of universities (PTN).
To accelerate the formation of the network library, the National Library need to do to make a revolution with the library automation program that can be downloaded for free by people in the National Library website. MARC format for the preparation of Indonesia (INDOMARC) without followed by real steps will not bring much meaning. Given that not all libraries in the ground water is able to purchase automation program independently.
National Library can accomplish the automation programs such as free from the UNESCO CDS / Isis and Isis WIN so that can be used in addition to the data base also can be used for the service. With this step, the entire library in the land of water can obtain automation program that is easy and cheap that will accelerate the process of establishing a national information network library.
E. Revolution Librarian
To support the success of the service revolution, National Library needed a revolution of human resources, especially the quality revolution librarian. Revolution is directed to increase the appreciation of the IT librarian. The high appreciation of IT will strengthen the position of librarian in the face of the rapid development of IT.
Librarian actually have a strong capital around the world for IT. To design a program a computer programmer always hold consultations with field-related problem. Given the stake up this program can not be made vain. A world in a special Web site content or the content of the web site they need to brainstorm with the parties who are considered experts, namely, the librarian.
This is the most pustakawanlah know in the search and willingness netter or penelusur. So clearly the IT experts can only make the system program, but not the contents. Mengkategori ability, memfiling document file is the ability of the librarian is very reliable. The division of the domain name for the file, the location koding even to form the metadata storage format is very dependent on the librarian.
So the programmers who create a simple framework, and pustakawanlah that fill with the content of the editorial policy. Feed content of this data is highly dependent on the ability of the librarian is knowledge. For example, after an Internet membrowsing obtained the materials that can be good to include in the email address or engine (data entry) to reporters. If there is no web-based can be scanned from books or magazines. Then I make a news reporter with the guidance of librarian.
Then the librarian also started registering all the material that had Fetch (appear) on the web site and dikemasulang in the CD, either in the form of text data, images, or MP3 or MPVG and others.
Librarian with a capital expense can also become a self merevolusi scientists. As a scientist, librarian should be able to empower the information not just melayankan information. Andy Alayyubi (2001) revealed that the librarian is the ideal addition to professional, he is also a scientist.
During this, especially in research institutions, the work of librarian only provide information for scientists. The librarian is satisfied when scientists have to get the information dicarinya.
This phenomenon should be changed. If we think again, we should have questioned why a librarian is always "adjuvant" that all the needs of scientists, "employer" we have. Yah, librarian scientists have needs in the form of information. Keilmuwanan librarian will be able to prove if he delivered the paper. Kegiatanvmenulis this is a wetland in the number obtain credit. Cons librarian at this time, they only focus on routine activities that have the pick to win a small number credit.