Title: Higher Education and shaking Changes
Author: Agus Suwignyo
Molder: June 2008
Publisher: Student Reader, Yogyakarta
Bold: xii 207 pages
Peresensi: Moh. Asy'ari Muthhar
Book of Higher Education and the shock of this change is evident that Agus Suwignyo very concerned about the condition of our education that confusion, can not even faced with the reality of life demands.
How not, the condition of education, according to Driyarkara (1980), should be hominisasi and humanisasi, suddenly sirna. The definition hominisasi process is a homosexual (man). Humanisasi while the process is to be human (humane). So, as hominisasi education and humanisasi have the meaning that the education process as a humane man. For that purpose, then in every educational institution meniscayakan of which is then be with the per definitionem. That is at once specific strength in the value of basic science is universal.
There are four areas of science, said Agus, the main pressure because it is a basic formation of character and analytical ability. That philosophy, history, literature, and art. Research into the flesh and blood center in each civitas academica higher education meniscayakan the ability of the four areas of the scholarly. Development of science and knowledge do so is the first degree''for improving human humanity'', however, are not directly at the same time for the development of science and knowledge itself.
This condition is becoming one of the reasons dijadikannya higher education community as a reference in non-academic test''truth''a phenomenon. With these higher education institutions to make himself as a dignified, and prestige in the community. But, more importantly, with the mission of higher education are able to establish independent human-human and humanist, be a man with Camp Victoria en Todos los sentidos de la palabra, bueno (good man in every sense of the word and perbuatannya; human intellectual relate to the full , Responsible, and have a high social solidarity).
However, idealitas it can no longer be expected in conditions of higher education are not able to mengejawantahkan mission in the middle of the high level of world civilization. Even that happens then is the number of unemployed contribute to the graduate (read: bachelor's degree).
So, not surprisingly, through his famous School of Cantal, Roem Topatimasang consider that education, as its existence is no longer useful. He only poison students. This assumption departs from the sterility of education in the face with the reality of the birth of an alternative solution to the social life of every problem that appears. This thesis and then get the level of legitimacy on the fact that unemployment is very high, namely 11 percent of the entire population in Indonesia that is prosperous.
Unemployment, which until this second issue that is not to be able to look for a solution by the government will continue for education, said Agus, is defined by rigid. Education is defined as the process of learning in a formal educational institutions with the rules of the strict and rigid. Even education can actually dimaknai more widely as a learning process in the life of this universe. Education is the whole life itself.
Education institutions had already considered as the best vehicle for the preservation and inheritance of values, eventually become just a tool to preserve and transmit the values of''official''that are valid and direstui, of course, by the powerful who determine what the values of the official must apply and direstui. Wrapped with the slogan, but drugging beautiful slogans, such as nation-building and character, the values of the official compulsory taught in all educational institutions with one interpretation of the official uniform.
From here, other than indoctrination, also appear various regulations, and harmonization, harmonization, also semimiliter culture, such as the line parade, cultural command, and so on. On the other hand, the majority of institutions of formal education has also become kapitalistik. Here, there elitisasi process, commercialization, capitalization and educational institutions. This is very common in educational institutions in the country. Education institutions to become commercial, luxury, and cost a lot, but will only bring generations and a nervous stammer.
Educational institutions such as a company that bribe-colored square, payments, the road back, and so on. Education only educate people to be clever and astute, not a wise and sensible. So, can be used only if a radical thinker named Ivan Illich, for instance, dismantle completely lousiness education institutions through one of the bids, a popular Discolling Society.
The fact that education has been deviating from the essence of an education as described above clearly occurred in many institutions of education is named. Encouraged by the spirit of pragmatism, educational institutions now more resembles a training institute for labor needed by the world's main industry. However, the attributes of higher education institutions as training workforce that is not entirely true, considering its alumni still need training for labor when applied to enter the world of work. ''So what can be expected from the presence of higher education today?''Agus question in this book.
Problem of higher education that has actually inspire Agus in this book. Higher education has lost spirits per definitionem it when faced with the reality of a world that has affected the paradigm of capital is power. So, think how the management of higher education, including the bersendikan even religion, has changed pragmatic-capitalist. (*)
Moh. Asy'ari Muthhar, stayed active in the Cultural IKON Ltd
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Jumat, 14 November 2008
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