Romi Febriyanto Saputro
In the course of education in Indonesia, there is a phenomenon that exciting enough For, namely terabaikannya library as a source of learning. Actually, the library is one of the main icons of education in order to implement the trust Opening the 1945 Constitution, which took life of the nation. In addition, UNESCO also recommends that education for all (education for all) will be more successful if complemented by the library.
Ironically, the current condition of the library in the land of water still memperihatinkan. This will certainly affect the quality of learning in our schools.
According to Suyanto (2003), in a book titled Competency-Based Curriculum: Concept, Characteristics and Implementation, a factor that caused the low quality of learning, among other sources dimanfaatkannya not learn the maximum, by both teachers and students. But not surprising if quality in terms of human resources, Indonesia ranked lower than Vietnam.
Indonesia's national education curriculum has many times changed, but each Ironically curriculum does not bring significant increase for the improvement of the quality of the school library. The government never seriously to build a quality school library. The curriculum is always changing, but the fate library schools remain unchanged.
At every turn of the elite education curriculum more interested in books or commercialize more familiar with the book package. So that each curriculum is always identical with the turnover package books, although sometimes the only Parks changed studios.
With billions of rupiah fund local governments berkoalisi so vibrant with the publisher to print the book the package, although quality still needs to question. This is of concern and invite the minister Malik Fajar, who promised to stop the commercialization of textbooks.
Why is the education we put less attention on the school library as one of the main sources of learning? First, the perception that underestimate the library. In the perception of some elite education in the land of water library is not included in the important icons of education. So they can think without perpustakaanpun education can be run with the (good?).
This is evident in the many school buildings are built without allocating space for the library in perencanaannya. Library usually occupy only "remaining" space that is used for classroom space and teachers. Even if there are any number of additional classroom space can be digusur library to be used as classrooms. Even some of the school library, which locked the meeting, there is no sign of activity inside.
In addition, many private schools, establishment of new obtain permission from the government, although not yet have adequate library. The government should create conditions to make the school library as conditions permit applications to establish new schools.
Second, the government does not have a clear policy on school library. Until now also never clear who should manage the school library, whether a task side language teachers or special librarian who was appointed to manage the library.
Besides the problem (classical) funding is also a major obstacle to progress because the school library is not yet clear from which source the funds. Conditions of this, of course resulted in the school library to be neglected.
Third, the participation of teachers in motivating students to visit the library still diligent less. During most of this method of teaching teachers only concentrate on one type of teaching books. As a result, the subject matter submitted by a teacher ten years ago may be the same material that he now teach.
In other words, materials that teach in far behind with the development of science at the present time. This is worsened by the quality of teaching books that do not want to follow the progress of the era, it published the government and private publishers.
Method of learning that concentrate only on one type of literature, certainly has many weaknesses. To close this weakness, the presence of a quality school library has been delayed, can not be delayed again. In the education world, more and more literature that is used, the better the results.
In the world of education we have no way the term Student Learning On (CBSA), which means more or less active in the students expected enrich and deepen the material presented teachers. Ironically CBSA is not supported by a qualified school library. Then, from students can be active, if not provided adequate facilities to read.
The school library is not only useful for students, students, but also very useful for teachers to develop more insight and the horizon keilmuannya (Remember, competency-based curriculum in the future, teachers and students alike as a subject of study). There may be a theory that ten years ago is considered as a scientific findings, is no longer relevant.
The theory of evolution, for example, are so exalted by the western world, now many outstanding books dismantle disadvantage, such as Harun Yahya book paper titled Keruntuhan theory of evolution.
In addition, the school library is also needed to sharpen students' creativity and competence, so that in line with the goal of Competency-Based Curriculum, which will be implemented in the upcoming new academic year 2004/2005. A curriculum that is expected to be able to produce students who have a certain competence after graduation.
Students who have the competence to write literature will be more motivated to develop themselves in, if supported by adequate collection of literature in the library. So that students can be expected to interact directly with the works of world literature's gold, such as Metallica Nurbaya, sail, Sengsara Takes Why and so forth.
The students of vocational schools will also have to learn the optimal results if they are in contact with books electronics engineering, electrical and machine in the school library. Similarly, students who have hidden talents branch certain sports (the performance of late had fallen sharply), will be more motivated with a book that contains the famous sportsman success stories, such as Pele, Rudi Hartono and Muhammad Ali.
Besides books that discuss the techniques and strategies to certain branches of sport is also very needed by students who have the potential of this sport, because this is usually taught by teachers rarely raganya processing.
School library is a future investment that the nation is non-material, the results can not be measured in quantitative, but qualitative. If the world of education is seriously considering the school library, the formation of human resources quality that is not a dream. However investment in the non-material will eventually be more useful than just a material investment.
Non-material aspects of development are usually left behind in material aspects of development, because development of non-material aspects are not immediately visible results as the material aspects of development. In the end this is the aspect of non-material, which is key for the progress of a human civilization.
As disclosed Will Durant and Ariel Durant in the book The Lesson of History, that the resurrection of a civilization or a nation is dependent on there and not the initiative of individuals and the mind-creative mind that they can develop positive energy in responding effectively to the situation developing
Ironically, the current condition of the library in the land of water still memperihatinkan. This will certainly affect the quality of learning in our schools.
According to Suyanto (2003), in a book titled Competency-Based Curriculum: Concept, Characteristics and Implementation, a factor that caused the low quality of learning, among other sources dimanfaatkannya not learn the maximum, by both teachers and students. But not surprising if quality in terms of human resources, Indonesia ranked lower than Vietnam.
Indonesia's national education curriculum has many times changed, but each Ironically curriculum does not bring significant increase for the improvement of the quality of the school library. The government never seriously to build a quality school library. The curriculum is always changing, but the fate library schools remain unchanged.
At every turn of the elite education curriculum more interested in books or commercialize more familiar with the book package. So that each curriculum is always identical with the turnover package books, although sometimes the only Parks changed studios.
With billions of rupiah fund local governments berkoalisi so vibrant with the publisher to print the book the package, although quality still needs to question. This is of concern and invite the minister Malik Fajar, who promised to stop the commercialization of textbooks.
Why is the education we put less attention on the school library as one of the main sources of learning? First, the perception that underestimate the library. In the perception of some elite education in the land of water library is not included in the important icons of education. So they can think without perpustakaanpun education can be run with the (good?).
This is evident in the many school buildings are built without allocating space for the library in perencanaannya. Library usually occupy only "remaining" space that is used for classroom space and teachers. Even if there are any number of additional classroom space can be digusur library to be used as classrooms. Even some of the school library, which locked the meeting, there is no sign of activity inside.
In addition, many private schools, establishment of new obtain permission from the government, although not yet have adequate library. The government should create conditions to make the school library as conditions permit applications to establish new schools.
Second, the government does not have a clear policy on school library. Until now also never clear who should manage the school library, whether a task side language teachers or special librarian who was appointed to manage the library.
Besides the problem (classical) funding is also a major obstacle to progress because the school library is not yet clear from which source the funds. Conditions of this, of course resulted in the school library to be neglected.
Third, the participation of teachers in motivating students to visit the library still diligent less. During most of this method of teaching teachers only concentrate on one type of teaching books. As a result, the subject matter submitted by a teacher ten years ago may be the same material that he now teach.
In other words, materials that teach in far behind with the development of science at the present time. This is worsened by the quality of teaching books that do not want to follow the progress of the era, it published the government and private publishers.
Method of learning that concentrate only on one type of literature, certainly has many weaknesses. To close this weakness, the presence of a quality school library has been delayed, can not be delayed again. In the education world, more and more literature that is used, the better the results.
In the world of education we have no way the term Student Learning On (CBSA), which means more or less active in the students expected enrich and deepen the material presented teachers. Ironically CBSA is not supported by a qualified school library. Then, from students can be active, if not provided adequate facilities to read.
The school library is not only useful for students, students, but also very useful for teachers to develop more insight and the horizon keilmuannya (Remember, competency-based curriculum in the future, teachers and students alike as a subject of study). There may be a theory that ten years ago is considered as a scientific findings, is no longer relevant.
The theory of evolution, for example, are so exalted by the western world, now many outstanding books dismantle disadvantage, such as Harun Yahya book paper titled Keruntuhan theory of evolution.
In addition, the school library is also needed to sharpen students' creativity and competence, so that in line with the goal of Competency-Based Curriculum, which will be implemented in the upcoming new academic year 2004/2005. A curriculum that is expected to be able to produce students who have a certain competence after graduation.
Students who have the competence to write literature will be more motivated to develop themselves in, if supported by adequate collection of literature in the library. So that students can be expected to interact directly with the works of world literature's gold, such as Metallica Nurbaya, sail, Sengsara Takes Why and so forth.
The students of vocational schools will also have to learn the optimal results if they are in contact with books electronics engineering, electrical and machine in the school library. Similarly, students who have hidden talents branch certain sports (the performance of late had fallen sharply), will be more motivated with a book that contains the famous sportsman success stories, such as Pele, Rudi Hartono and Muhammad Ali.
Besides books that discuss the techniques and strategies to certain branches of sport is also very needed by students who have the potential of this sport, because this is usually taught by teachers rarely raganya processing.
School library is a future investment that the nation is non-material, the results can not be measured in quantitative, but qualitative. If the world of education is seriously considering the school library, the formation of human resources quality that is not a dream. However investment in the non-material will eventually be more useful than just a material investment.
Non-material aspects of development are usually left behind in material aspects of development, because development of non-material aspects are not immediately visible results as the material aspects of development. In the end this is the aspect of non-material, which is key for the progress of a human civilization.
As disclosed Will Durant and Ariel Durant in the book The Lesson of History, that the resurrection of a civilization or a nation is dependent on there and not the initiative of individuals and the mind-creative mind that they can develop positive energy in responding effectively to the situation developing