Jakarta - In order to develop libraries in Sukabumi, Legislative members of Sukabumi Comission III on Tuesday 9/9 visited National Library of Indonesia. The party was welcomed at management meeting room by Deputy of Library material and information services Development Liliek Sulistiyowati, Head of Center of Library Services Woro Titi Haryanti, Head of Center of Library Material Development Suyatno and Head of General Collection Services Lili Suarni.
The legislative party was lead by Priatman, where on the welcoming remarks said that their visit to National Library was to observe the development of library closely and to say thank you of the mobile library aid given to Sukabumi`s Public Library, but we still need more books for school libraries which condition are poor, since the income of Sukabumi City is too small to help those schools, so we hoped National Library could provide some books for those school libraries.
Deputy of Library Material Development and Information Services Liliek Sulistiyowati on her answers said that Director of National Library of Indonesia was apologize since on the same time there was a discussion with legislative members, but basically school libraries are the responsibility of Department of National Education based on education system law which stated that library is an important resource for learning, so you could push Department of Education to send some books to those schools, National Library is only supporting.
The legislative members also received some information regarding National Library of Indonesia from Head of Center of Library and Information Services and Suyatno Head of Center of Library Material Development and also Lili Suarni Head of General Collection Services.
The legislative members were: Yanas Malik (Bulan Bintang), Dody Umaran (PAN), Maman Warman (PDI-P), Enceng Sutardi (Golkar), Aisah Sasmita (Golkar), Mohamad Ikhsan, Adi Darmadi and Priatman as the party leader.Source : www.pnri.go.id
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