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Jumat, 14 November 2008

Library And Meaningful Learning

By the facts taken from this site Romi Febriyanto Saputro

This paper has been published in the Daily Banjarmasin Post, 2 February 2005

Increasing interest in reading people is the main mission of the library trustee according to the founder of this nation in the opening of the 1945 Constitution, which took life of the nation. One of the characteristics that people are smart have read that interest is high enough. Even in the Qur'an is a command to read the first paragraph down. This means that high-low interest read a nation will determine the high and low culture in the nation before other nations in the world.
HAR Tilaar (1999) revealed, read on the fact the process is to have the knowledge. The process has the science is a process that is known to learn more. Learning is the core of education dominated most of the reading activities. Knowledge that is growing very rapidly, no longer can be mastered through the hearing process or the transition from the source of knowledge (teachers) but through various sources of knowledge that can only be known through reading.
One of the methods that support for increased public interest in reading is a method of learning konstruktivisme. According to E Mulyasa (2002), focused approach konstruktivisme not on rationality, but on the understanding. This is the main reason why konstruktivisme can quickly replace the theory of cognitive development as the basic research and practice in education. Attraction of this model konstruktivisme is on simplicity.

The main strategy of konstruktivisme model of learning is meaningful learning, which invites students to think and understand the subject matter, not just hear, receive, and remember. Each element of the subject matter must be processed and interpreted in such a way that makes sense. Something that is not reasonable, it will not stick long in the mind.
This strategy requires both students and teachers have a position as a subject of study. As a subject of study, both charged to the active search for data, information and interpretation of the subject matter. Students accused kritisisme disposed of subject matter, not just mimic, copy and paste the mug given teachers. With this strategy encouraged students and teachers have read that interest is high enough to utilize the school library.
The results obtained with this strategy meaningful learning, will be far better than traditional learning by Paulo Freire called learning how the bank system. How this will not encourage students to enjoy reading. Next recommend philosopher Paulo Freire, the process of learning and teaching logics should inspire students with creativity and motivate students to learn how to find data, menganalisisnya in the actual meaning.
Learn how the bank system will only generate understanding of the subject matter that is instant and not exhaustive. Sometimes some elements of the subject matter is understood that troubled students, but students are forced to accept it with the sap. Model acceptance of the subject matter so, will only lead to the understanding that easily forgotten. As a result, the process of learning takes place in an atmosphere of static, monoton and boring.
Support Library
The strategy is very meaningful learning requires the support of the library as a source of learning. The library is expected to meet the needs of most students learn in order to obtain the optimal results. Borrowing terms from the theory of two factors, Frederick Herzberg, the role of the library is a factor higinis. Work dissatisfied prevent students in search of information and data that are needed. Higinis factors not directly associated with student achievement, but without the provision of adequate school library can disrupt the smooth process of learning and teaching.
The library can be used for teachers and students as a place of learning outside the classroom. Needs students to play active (active learning), interpretation (interpretation), make sense (reasonable), Negotiations (exchange ideas), cooperative (cooperation) and inquiry (menyelediki) can be done in the school library. In the library students can also implement the concept of learning to know (learning to know), learning to do (learning to do), learn of life in togetherness (learning to live together), a self-learning (learning to be) and lifelong learning (long life learning).
During realize this or not, the role of the library as a marginalized in the domain of national education. In Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, not a single article that I pronounced the word library. This of course is a phenomenon that is quite unfortunate. According to UNESCO, education for all (education for all) can be more successful if equipped library.
Relations between the library and education depicted by the Soetarno NS (2003). According to Soetarno, because education is a process of expropriation and the development of science and the school library as a medium, the development of education related to the presence of the library. Consistent progress of science and technology, education also grew, so between education and libraries are like two sides of the same currency value and can not be separated. Both complement each other and fill.
Education Writing
To further bolster the success of students in meaningful learning, education, writing as the subjects need to be segregated. In English writing a term known as the subjects stood apart. With writing as solitary subjects, since students are trained to love writing. This is supported by the data research by Tizard and friends (Suyanto, 2003), namely from 108 students in the elementary grades 2 English who have the ability to write in a book of 24%, 23% of descriptive writing, writing stories, 19%, 11% writing news , 10% of beautiful writing, writing greeting cards at 7%, labelisasi on the image of 3% and writing poetry / drama 2%.
Lessons will be writing to motivate students to enjoy reading. Only with diligent reading, students will have the information and data to support his writings. Lessons to be considered eligible to write a significant interest in stagnation read our community, including students, and students. With the assumption of the theory of X Douglas Mc Gregor, the students who most need to be less avidly read 'forced' to read in the library with the lessons of this writing.