Book Title: Reaching the tip-tip Mustajabah
Author: Imam Munawwir
Publisher: Science Surabaya Bina
Mold: I, July 2008
Thickness: 328 pages
Themes of books on psychology always YOUR business interests to read. Sometimes Headlines tempt, although it evacuated normally. Sometimes, the title of the book after reading standards, but very sleepy. Book market growing motivation to encourage more authors to enliven constellation book themes are.
Book tip-tip Reaching the Mustajabah try tempt appear in appearance. Published in hard cover with color covers the eye catching book is expected by the author or the issuer can directly siphon attention of readers. The content dibingkai with the economy and the psychology of Islam, the book works of the Muhammadiyah Jember this can be one of reference for anyone who wants to pioneer and entrepreneur is. Napas-napas Islamic guidelines on how to become an entrepreneur should be in the works. Work hard, persevere, and not surrender abstinence, and tawakal top results will be achieved later.
Besides as a lecturer, author of the book is also of the business is trying to transfer their business knowledge from this experience. Through the principles tawasuth and tawazun (balance) is expected to be reached between the sustainability visions and work, and also between ideals and reality. Human opportunity given by God to utilizing the otaknya as possible to produce works that will provide great benefits to mankind in the world. However, the large potential that will not be there without tergali willingness and hard work. So the brain to become the source of planners, while the character as a source implementers.
Indonesia is an example of a failed state in the nature of entrepreneurship to build it. Really, as the country's rich natural resources, Indonesia remains a poor country. Actually, not only natural resources, human resources potential of the country is also very large.
Indonesia's poor Why? Is the government failed to lead his people toward prosperity? Most easy, the point that the government failed to create employment. Every individual should not depend on there or not the employment provided by the government. Even if every individual is able to think and behave independently, and would be able to develop self-potential, poverty will never happen.
Poverty is happening in this country due to a poor way of thinking. Namely accept what is, does not have a plan, not able to manage natural resources properly, even even spend the wealth of available natural (hlm. 6).
Islam as a religion that aims to bring mercy to all natural condemn hard mentality was poor. Every Muslim must be able to develop a spirit of entrepreneurship. Why? At least three study offered the priest. First, human diserahi mandated by God to be the inheritors of the earth (QS Al Baqarah: 30). As the holder of the mandate, must brave man responsible for all the earth. What is the condition of this earth, rewind, destroyed, or is prosperous depends on the people through all that dikuasainya.
Second, as a manifestation of gratitude favor. Often, fortunately only a dictum favor without the act. In fact favor is to thank all the potential that was used by God to all human accordance with His command (sharfu'n ni'mati ila tho'ati).
And third, intent. Plans are a strong source of motivation. Work must be independent diniati as worship, as done by previous prophets. With the intention of the strong and straight will be born this is a strong motivation.
Three points is a critical core of this book. As a popular reading, this book can be considered similar weight and academic books. Still, it does not reduce the wealth of inspiring. In the last chapter of the readers will get a relaxing oasis, which displays the author debriefing with the community about the practice of entrepreneurship. Examples of concrete in the debriefing that can facilitate the readers imagine how actually to build a mentality of entrepreneurship.
Finally, there are many factors that encourage someone to buy or read a book. And the physical appearance of the hit title can be a concept. However, the author also often factors into consideration. This book seeks to appear memesona, with a heavy style of language but still readily digested.
A very beautiful inspiration from this book will be more complete if the readers know who Munawwir profile Priest, the author. Unfortunately, writing about''the author''is not listed in this book. (*)
*) Tofan Mahdi, journalists Jawa Pos
Source, Jawa Pos, 16 November 2008
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Minggu, 16 November 2008
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