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Jumat, 14 November 2008

Transportation Literacy, Role of the family National Library

By Romi Febriyanto Saputro

This article defined as the champions I hope the Article Writing Competition On Kepustakawanan Year 2007 at the end of the National Library.

A. Introduction
According to Decree No. MenPan 132/KEP/M.PAN/2002, the library is a work unit that has a human resources, special rooms, libraries and collections of materials comprising at least 1,000 titles from various disciplines of the appropriate type of library concerned and managed by a certain system.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) interpret as a library collection of printed material and non-print media and sources of information or computer in a prepared systematically used for the user. Webster's Third Edition International Dictionary, said that the library is a collection of books, Manuscript, and other library materials that are used for purposes of study or reading, comfort or enjoyment.
From the various definitions of the library at the top, there is a red thread can be drawn that the library is a place for melayankan information through the library collection of materials held. The existence of a library is to empower communities to have an awareness of good information. Awareness of the importance of information is commonly called literasi information.
Literasi information is the soul of a library. National Library characterize the ability of this informative in a logo consisting of an open book; flame torch; terkatup two hands with five fingers stake; five primary and five supporting-ray jet with the background color of the blue circle.
Open book symbolizing the source of knowledge is always evolving. Flame torch symbolizes the light in the business life of the nation. Terkatup two hands with five fingers symbolize sustain the new knowledge can be achieved through the development of education with fully supported by a complete library facilities. Five basic supporting and emblematize five rays shoot out the basic philosophy of Pancasila in science produce fully human Indonesia, which is useful for the homeland and nation.
Background circle symbolizes the determination to realize equity in the business of education for all people of Indonesia. While the color blue is the color that has a calm nature and give the impression depth. So, the blue logo of the National Library is the tranquility of thinking, and the depth of knowledge that is owned by a foundation of dedication to the community, nation and homeland.
B. Literasi Civilization
Literasi information is a skill to get the exit from a problem that exists. These skills include skills to identify problems, find information, sort, prepare, utilize, and efforts to evaluate the results of the questions or answers from the problems.
Literasi own in a simple defined as the ability to read and write. In the context of community empowerment, meaning literasi have the ability to obtain information and use it to develop knowledge for the benefit of the community.
Literasi have important functions in life. Awareness berliterasi will deliver a civilization in a respectful position. The nation is literate nation that is able to answer the challenges of the age. Conversely, people who are not literate will become a weak nation. Weak this nation will never be able to respond to the challenges and obstacles in the future.
This is in accordance with the J Arnold Toynbee said in the book A Study of History, which states that the bankruptcy of a civilization is caused by the inability of the perpetrator of civilization is to respond to the challenges that are being developed. When a nation no longer able to provide answers to the challenges of developing and submerged in kejumudan, it can be ascertained that civilization will experience decomposition. The inability to respond to the challenges of this indicates the existence of these platforms in civilization.
Berliterasi civilization that is always marked by a high awareness of the library. The library has always been a transportation literasi when civilization reached a peak of the golden. History of science and technology throughout human civilization can not be separated from the library.
Ancient Greek civilization, which is rich in science and technology has delivered the prestigious libraries in the period. Pisistratus, was recorded as the first person to establish libraries in Greece in the 6 century BC. In the next period people Athens have already started a collection of books personal. When the philosophy of life Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) have established a library it up as a center of research and education companions followers.
Similarly, the medieval Islamic civilization, the library will become a transportation science and technology. Especially in the Abasiyah Dynasty (750 - 1258 M) at the time that Europe is experiencing darkness. Golden era is marked by the development of science and development is accelerated with the establishment of libraries, library.
One of the famous and largest is the Baitul Hikmah. Random people can not work as a librarian there. Only those who trust the caliph and Sciences that it can work. Among them is Al - kindi, Al - khawarizmi, a famous mathematics Sciences at that time. They are the scientists who worked in the library Baitul Hikmah. They are Scientist-librarian. When the existence of library books and is very respected, even when the office becomes a librarian primadona. librarian obtain a very large salary from the government Alayyubi Andy (2001).
Civilization post-Renaissance Europe also marked by the development of the library and the development of science and technology. When the existence of the books will improve the social status of the community. After the invention of paper by the Chinese and the invention of printing by Johann Gutenberg of Germany, the development of books, libraries, and Science and Technology increasingly bright.
Library appears in almost all the land known Eropa.Di French Bibliotheque Nationale, a collection originally came from private property kings of France. British Library is known in the Oxford and Cambridge University, and also the British Museum, which then become the national library.
In this millennial era, the library remains the icon of a nation that civilization has a strong scholarly tradition. The United States has the largest library at the present time, namely the Library of Congress with a total collection of 86 million library materials in 470 languages, including 22 million books and brochures. It is interesting that there are some 30,000 books and training lessons in Braille letters, pertitur music, and recording media for the disabled. Meanwhile, the UK has the British Museum Library with a collection of 11 million books.
C. Cultivate Literasi
According to HAR Tilaar (1999), the ability informative someone is the ability to analyze and seek benefit from the information obtained. There are different between the data and information. Data that have been processed information to be changed and this has in the pertinence in the development of the science or the application of science and technology in human life.
That we actually need is control of the information processed ability to think. Information obtained in the learning process is not information that each stands alone, but the information is a series of patterns in a network that has meaning. Information is the result of many experts that the paper will produce something creative and meaningful.
Literasi develop information in the life of the state and is a must. The development process should be defined as the process of nation building literasi. This can be built with literasi in various fields of life.
First, literasi education. This data that describes the BPS in 2003, Indonesia's population aged above 15 years of reading the newspaper only 55.11%. Read the magazines or tabloids 29.22%, 44.28% story books, books and other knowledge of 21.07%. From 1993, a tendency to get information through reading only increased about 0.2%, far if dikomparasikan watching television with the increase reached 21.1%.
BPS data show 2006, the population of Indonesia, which makes reading as a source of new information about 23.5%. Meanwhile, the 85.9% watch television, listen to the radio and 40.3%. No report of the World Bank. 16369-IND (in English Education from Crisis to Recovery), cite the results of Vincent Greannary 1998, said that the level of class VI to the age of primary school in Indonesia is only able to reach a score of 51.7 in the Philippines (52.6); Thailand (65 , 1) and Singapore (74.0).
Facts on the truly make our hearts worry. However, the national education system has failed to bring the reading generations. Education we only produce the next generation to read so-called "have to learn." The only generation to reach graduation studios. Not generation continues to read to get the death throughout his life.
Literasi education requires learning-oriented improve students' reading interest. One of the methods, which strongly supports increased interest in reading for students learning is meaningful, which invites students to think and understand the subject matter, not just hear, receive, and keep in mind. Each element of the subject matter must be processed and interpreted in such a way that makes sense. Something that is not reasonable, will not stick long in the mind.
This strategy requires both students and teachers have a position as a subject of study. As a subject of study both charged active search for data, information, and interpretation of the subject matter. Students are required to behave kritisisme to the subject matter is not just mimic, copy, paste, and memorize what is given by the teacher. With this strategy of the students and teachers are encouraged to have an interest in reading high enough to utilize the school library.
Second, literasi technology. Indonesia is currently experiencing gaps in technology that can make U.S. behind in all sectors of other countries. The gap is clearly visible on the delay in the U.S. to develop nano technology. Nano technology is an engineering technology by utilizing the character of material on the size of a nanometer (one billion seper meters). This technology can be utilized in various fields such as health, construction, and energy future.
Understanding of the technology gap has been experiencing its own distortions.
Multinational companies often make us think that the technology gap is the difference between those who can access technology, and that is not. In the technology gap is a gap between those who can take advantage of technology and which are not.
They affect us to be more focused on access, not on how to achieve the benefits of technology. If you continue to apply this in mind, then the U.S. will only become a victim of a product without ever multinational can be independent. By pursuing the technology gap, India can catch up various sectors such as economy, politics, and culture.
Utilizing technology is the core of literasi technology. During all this is actually consume various products of technology. Indonesia became the target marketing of products, technology developed country. Cars, motorcycles, computers, laptops, digital cameras, and television technology has become the day-to-day. Ironically, we are only technology user, not a producer of technology.
Indonesia has long had the Bandung Institute of Technology but has not yet been able to produce car and motorcycle products in the country. Earth's rich natural resources but the government has been entrusted to the parties of foreign eksplorasinya. Indonesia is the country producing oil but the price of fuel be with the fuel in Singapore Unsurprisingly, that is not producing oil. This is because the country is not able to process crude oil into fuel ready for use.
Third, literasi economy. UNESCO Report 2005, entitled Literacy for Life stated that there is a relationship between literasi with poverty. In many countries, where poverty is high, the level literasi tend to be low. Literasi cause low levels of income per. As is the case in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Nepal, and Mozambique. More than 78 percent of the population, revenue per day below 2 U.S. dollars.
Men who have the ability literasi economy will be more easy to access business information and memberdayakannya become an independent business. Conversely, the weak ability of human literasi will generate the type of workers, laborers, and employees. Human literasi poor do not have confidence that high to open independent businesses.
Ironically, poverty is contagious literasi to the government. Government to give free space for people too capitalist. Wages cheap labor as the lure to attract transnational companies to invest in Indonesia. Even workers also have the human desire to live decent. Now, after working class demands of welfare, transnational companies such as Nike threaten to hengkang from Indonesia. Without concerned with the fate of thousands of workers that companies become suppliers of Nike.
Even in the context of social welfare, as quoted Faisal Basri (2007), Bung Karno emphasized that poverty can not be there in the earth Indonesian independence, there should not be dominated capitalist nation, and the welfare of the evenly to all people, not the welfare of a person. Clearly, however, it is not the basis of ideological libertarian, but social democracy.
In economic life, our constitution is not that the spirit antisipatif, but also does not explicitly give all economic affairs in the market economy. So, did not correct the impression that, in line with market demand so that more role in advancing the economy, the role of the state should be reduced. The market mechanism means that the taboo is not the role of the state. Thus, the greater role given to the market, the role of the state must be strengthened to achieve the welfare of justice.
Fourth, literasi price themselves. In the book "Can Asians Think?", Kishore Mahbubani (2000) stated that Asian people may think it is not because of the influence of colonialism. The influence or impact that is not very painful, but the influence of the physical impact of mental kolonialisasi from it. Many countries in Asia, including several countries in Southeast Asia that the European people better than people in Asia. This is the impact that until now inherent in the very heart of Asia.
Kishore Mahbubani analysis on the knife is very appropriate if directed to the analysis in Indonesia. The nation Patrol has been for 350 years by the Netherlands and Japan by 3.5 years is a nation that suffered the most arcane of birth and any Asian nation. During the colonization has caused the nation watched this disease suffer low self. Indonesia is the loss of human capacity and kemandiriannya in thinking.
Colonialism has caused the growth mentality that considers former colonial nation is a nation of more superior. Without realizing it, the success of Dutch colonialism in memperdayai Prince Diponegoro to give the impression of depth psychology in the Indonesian human nature that we may not be able to compete with the victorious people of Europe. In the extreme, this will impact on the human form of the birth of the Indonesian low self-worshipful sky while foreign nations.
The virus is so low self-evident in the Defense Cooperation Agreement (Defense Cooperation Agreement - DOA) between the Republic of Indonesia - Singapore one package with the extradition agreement on 27 April 2007. In the agreement the sovereignty of the country pawned. Indonesian Armed allow Singapore to run the military exercises in the sea, land and air in the areas of Indonesia with third parties using bullets and cartridge control four times in a year.
Fifth, literasi characters. According to Mochtar Lubis (1977) there are seven Indonesian human characteristics, namely: hypocrite, ostensibly happy; reluctant responsible; spirited feodalis; believe in the takhayul; spirited artistic; even weaker, imitative and less patient, jealous and envious quickly.
Think of the seven characters, the only one who is a positive character that is now artistic. Mochtar Lubis not invent any. Transportation accidents land, sea, air and came silih switch is the indicator that the nation is less discipline in traffic. Accidents often occur because the perpetrators are not blind to the rules of transportation, but because they are less concerned about the regulations.
According to Wynne (1991), the word character comes from Greek that means "to mark" (mark) and focus on how to apply the value of goodness in the form of action or behavior. People who behave honestly, like helping people as saying that noble character. So the term character in such close relation with (personality) a person, where someone who can be called character (a person of character), if appropriate, what to do with morals theorem.
Literasi emphasize character pentingya three components, namely the good character of knowledge about the moral, and moral feelings about the act with morality. This includes the morality of God and love all the brothers' self-reliance and responsibility of discipline, honesty, trust and wise, respectful and polite, magnanimous like mutual help and mutual help, self-confident, creative and hard work, leadership and justice, good and low heart and tolerance, peace, unity and
Foerster (2000) describes four ways to change someone's character, first, of the interior of the measure every action based on the value hierarchy to become normative guidelines every action. Understanding of religious norms, community, family, and the country is the "soul of immunization" best to deny the emergence of a negative character.
Second, the coherence that provides the courage to make a firm hold on principles, not vacillate in the new situation, or fear the risk. Third, autonomy. Menginternalisasikan someone from outside the rules until the value of the personal. This can be seen through the assessment of the personal decisions without encouragement of others affected.
Fourth, persistence and loyalty. Persistence is the power to hold someone wants what is considered to be good, while loyalty is a basic reverence for the commitment of the chosen. Fortitude and commitment to moral values is the main goal of character education.
Thus the gulf between ideals and moral implementation in daily life can hold was reduced. The fourth character of this withdrawal allows people to pass through stages individuality personalities
D. Developing strategies Literasi
Better late than not at all. The expression is indeed in accordance with the conditions literasi this nation that is still alarming. Tracing the literasi other countries in the world, Indonesia is on the order of-95 from 176 countries, under the Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and the Philippines. National Library must work very hard to build a culture literasi land in the water.
Strategies that may be the National Library is the first, made the National Library as a means of transportation literasi information. This can start with the present library site more interesting. Ashadi Siregar, as cited by Joseph Fitr (2004) revealed, at least, there are three main things that must be met by a media organization in building good communication with his audience.
The first issue, related to the substance of the information published. If only contact with only one party (read organizations), without considering the other hand, of course, the other party does not feel necessary to respond to such information. Communication is difficult measured clockwise course kemanfaatannya.
The second issue, related to the language and format of delivery information. If the language used is understood only by the organization, the information submitted will not be understood by other parties. Examples of convenience, information verbally will be applied more appropriate if the person who can not read the writing.
The third issue, concerning the accuracy of the information submitted election time. Delivery is too slow will make the communication is not the way.
During the official site owned by the National Library still remain stagnant. Not yet make a breakthrough for the interests of internet users to search for information. Internet users still prefer to find information through search engines or google yahoo. National Library should be in the forefront of guards in the search engine information to create "a sense of Indonesia." Not just show the index articles or books but digital clipping that can be accessed by the public directly. This certainly hope not excessive in order to cultivate the land and water literasi.
In the future, the official site is the ideal library, which functions as a central reference information society. Thus, the National Library is claimed to work as a "news online." Libraries can mimic the online newspaper that raise various information from the public and melayankannya also to the community. In this community works as well as user information.
Second, to bring mobile library. During this additional service cellular operators made with business partners (content provider) tend to kill literasi nation. Klenikisme hedonism and very dominating. Cargo heresy represented by the prediction stars, horoscope, Moron, and hong Shui. Nuance hedonism represented by sms celebrities, humor, love and dating.
In addition to providing information that is not quality, extra services are also sold with the price too expensive. As a result, many consumers of mobile headache because of a sudden loss of balance. When they realize it is very difficult to stop. Why? Because the service provider does not usually include how to unsubscribe. They include the only way to subscribe.
Mobile library is a smart step for the National Library to feel smart in the world of cellular water in the soil. Moreover, in the era of technology, 3 G, the presence of mobile library is awaited. Mobile library to provide information about information science, technology, political, economic, and other information according to the needs of the community. To realize this idea, National Library can work with PDII LIPI, the Ministry of Research and Technology, and the Ministry of Education.
The cost to access a library of cellular dirangcang semurah this may be because the mission is to improve the nation. Rp 400 - 500 / SMS is a relatively affordable rates. In addition, the library needs to cellular system designed in accordance with customer demand. This means, without the customer does not request any incoming SMS. This is very important to prevent the practice from the content service providers were invited to attend without a proven harm to the community.
Third, cultivate literasi through the radio. If the music to develop Dangerman just a television station willing to establish radio Dangerman in the big cities in Indonesia, why to cultivate interest in reading and literasi not be the same way.
Although there have been a revolution in information technology, the radio still has a market share large enough. National Library can establish the library by using the FM network of public libraries stand in the district / city. In the radio program is designed to cultivate literasi in the community. Events surgery books on water, a new book info, info writing, information science and technology, meet authors, books, info and world literature is the main menu. In addition, the daily menu, such as music should remain as a sweetener in the right doses.
Literasi develop through the radio is a breakthrough step to increase public awareness of the importance of information for their life. This is especially intended for the type X. According to Douglas Mc Gregor, Theory X is the traditional theory can be assumed that people generally do not like to read. They generally want to read if there is a certain momentum as the season exam schools, essay, race or scientific works. Reading is a burden for them and not segregated into staple. They prefer to get information from media such as non-read radio and television.
Fourth, the pioneer CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) for the library. Funds that represents the social obligations of these companies will be more useful if invested in the field of libraries.
During this awareness of the company to allocate CSR is still low. CSR function as a means of propaganda to raise the image of the company. To that end, National Library will need to propose to the government to make regulations that require each company to allocate CSR for the library. So in addition to seeking profits from the public, the company is also a partner in order to increase public awareness literasi community.
CSR from the company can be used to tap information on the remote islands of the poor during this literasi. This is done by ship books hold a roving able to reach remote islands. The concept of mobile library, which is only a car, bus and motorcycle to melayankan materials libraries have to use means of transportation such as larger ships and even aircraft.
According to Effnu Subiyanto (2007), to the size of Indonesia, CSR is relatively new. However, multinational companies in the U.S., even as Intel has pioneered the era of CSR in the 80s. One hundred and Intel executives every month jump to the nearest environment to share knowledge and skills to support and strengthen the fundamentals of community.
In this case, of course, Intel does not expect profits, but Intel has the vision to the future, which aims to involve the community as one of the competitive advantages of Intel. Boeing aircraft company, has even started to apply management for the benefit of human society and the environment surrounding the company. Definition of "profit" in the developed countries have experienced reincarnation is not solely focus on profit slump, but more humanist elements by entering the value (value).
Fifth, serious in empowering village library. According to Government Regulation No. 75 of 2005, the village is the unity of the people who have the legal boundaries of areas that have the authority to regulate and manage the interests of local communities, based on the origin and local customs that are recognized and respected in the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
Village has a very strategic role to develop public interest in reading. Why? Because the village is the smallest unit of government amongst the people. In addition, more than 60 percent of Indonesians live in rural areas.
The position of a strategic village, which is a fertile land for the National Library for membumikan cultural literasi land in the water. Village Library, which is intelligent and is set in the Ministry of Domestic Instruction No. 28 Year 1984 and updated with the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs and Regional Autonomy No. 3 of 2001 must be positioned as a transportation literasi information in the main village level.
Empowerment of library-oriented villages should be on improving human resources villages. According to Rogers and Soemaker (1987), one of the obstacles in efforts to empower the human resources of the village is the mentality Lack thingking for the future. This means that the ability of farmers to have very limited future. This resulted in the farmers have difficulties to improve the welfare of their life.
Literasi as transportation, the role of village libraries are: first, eradicate illiteracy. Data for 2006 states that the Indonesian population aged 15 years and above are illiterate recorded 12.8 million people. From the 12.8 million citizens are illiterate is 81.3 percent of them are scattered in 10 provinces, which can be called as a bag-bag illiterate, namely East Java, Central Java, West Java, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara , Papua, Banten, Bali and Lampung.
Library village can be functional literacy activities in the form of group learning to read and write. Kerala, one of the states in India to provide evidence that a village library is able to eradicate illiteracy. In the State of Kerala, every district has a 10 - 100 village libraries, which plays a role in the fight against illiterate (Kompas, Feb. 5, 2007).
War against illiterate implemented the program in the course of two months the village library, library, especially for the masses of farmers. Read and Grow slogans replaced with "to remove illiteracy and strengthen people." When it is the beginning of the war against organized illiterate. 1975, the movement to get this award from Unesco on the importance of the contribution illiteracy elimination and education for adults

Second, improve the quality of life kecapakan community (life skills). According to the WHO (1997), life skills (life skills) are the various skills / ability to be adaptable and positive behavior, which allows someone tuntuan able to face various challenges in life and day-to-day effectively.
To improve the life skills, the library will need to village designed as a center of learning and skills of rural communities. This means that, in addition to the activities lend books, the library is also a job training center to improve skills villagers. So, in the village library community can read books about sewing mempraktikkannya while working in the training hall.
Library village daat also developed as a center of culture and arts village communities. Activities literature, theater, dance and be conducted in the village library. Thus, the presence of the village libraries can "make life more lives."
Third, cultivate literasi early. Library services can be opened for young children to play with the established group. Focus Group Play services (KB) is underway so that children have early interest in reading high, although they can not read. In other words, they have love, interest, and "madness" to the book .. To realize this idea, the village will need to complete the library's collection with books early age.
To foster interest in reading is far more important than megajarkan to young children "can" read. Why? Because how many children of this nation who can read but poor interest in reading. When they still kindergartens so in the spirit of reading, but when the primary interest on all "retrograde".
Empowering village library as a means of transportation literasi is not utopian. National Library can make the MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) with the district / city governments to empower village library. In this case, the National Library can provide special funds block grants to empower village library. This MOU is the main requirements for the district / city governments when they submit various proposals request block grants public library and a car to the library circumferential National Library. This is a strategy for "menjewer" district / city governments to be more concerned with the village library.
E. Conclusion
Literasi have important meaning in life. Awareness berliterasi will deliver a civilization in a respectful position. The nation is literate nation that is able to answer the challenges of the age. Conversely, people who are not literate will become a weak nation. Weak this nation will never be able to respond to the challenges and obstacles in the future.
Literasi information is an effort to create awareness of the importance of information for the public. Berliterasi community that is people who have a sensitivity and concern to the information. This is called a smart community.
As a means of transportation literasi, National Library is to foster, cultivate, melayankan, develop, maintain and literasi information in the life of the community. This means that the library role delivering intelligent information needed to improve the quality of public education, economy, health, social, and cultural diversity.
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