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Jumat, 14 November 2008

Bulk Program Book Cheap

By An. Ismanto

The government increasingly progressive in utilizing technology to support progress in education. Recently, the Ministry of National Education has been providing services that will make many students' parents more relieved smile.

After had become a polemic, eventually purchase the copyright text books by government studies showing the benefits can begin. Text books are now running lessons at a site called Book School of Electronics (BSE) belong to the Ministry of Education, which is part of the Bulk Program Book Cheap.

In addition to the beralamatkan BSE, the government also provided some support site. Namely SIBI ( and PUSBUK ( Site SIBI (Indonesia Perbukuan Information System) is the main supporter and BSE is a global network of information provided by the Center Perbukuan Ministry of National Education. It is expected that all people can obtain information perbukuan Indonesia quickly, easily, and accurately. While the site is the official website PUSBUK Center Perbukuan the Ministry of Education.

In his speech at the BSE site, National Education Minister Bambang Sudibyo explained that until the launch, the site provides a 407 titles each year will increase. Book-of textbooks has assessed the feasibility of life by the National Education Standards Agency (BNSP) and have been determined as of textbooks that meet the eligibility requirements in learning through the Regulation of the Minister of National Education (game) 46 Year Tax 22,007, the game number 34 in 2008, Tax and the game 41 years old in 2008.

Maybe that will make the student's parents are relieved that the text books can be duplicated, printed, difotokopi, dialihmediakan, and / or traded by individuals, groups of people, and / or legal bodies in order to ensure access and an affordable price book by the community . People can also download (download) directly from the Internet if the device has a computer that is connected to the Internet, and save the file of textbooks is.

The Ministry of Education appears to have also anticipate the possibility of commercialization of the books. To keep the price of these books are still cheap, but for the multiplication of commercial price, the sale must meet the conditions specified government (15 percent profit projection). Thus, the purpose of this progressive program can be achieved, namely to provide a text book more accessible so that students and educators at schools throughout the country and abroad can be used as a source of learning quality and affordable.

There are some things that should come to the attention of the government in connection with the Bulk Program Book Cheap this. First, the availability of the Internet network in schools. The availability of Internet network in schools and private homes until now has not been evenly distributed. Most of the network was only installed in schools around the urban area. Even in these areas are also available for book stores that sell textbooks conventional. As a result, the cumulation of lessons in the area, while in remote areas of the city remain subject rare books.

So, the availability of educational sites such as BSE must also be balanced with the Internet network infrastructure that is more widely and evenly. In addition, this program must also be complemented with socialization and the campaign to disseminate information about BSE and sites supporting the parents of students and educators.

Second, it must also be considered that the use of computers in schools and at home still as additional facilities and curriculum have not yet become a major for students. When teaching the computer at school and at home is still limited in application Word Processor and Spreadsheet, for example, the BSE will be redundant. Thus, educators and parents of students should be able to behave bertransformasi internet friendly so that they can guide their children in internet education. This is important because as we know, the Internet is a democratic media free for all and contains all (free for all people and contain all things).

Educators and parents must understand that the content of the Internet, including sites that dangerous for school-age children, such as porn sites and violence. Do not be until tuition Educational browsing activity in its''lost''to these sites. So, educators and parents who have been friendly Internet will be charming to set a search engine that does not show the sites that are hazardous in the search results. For example, the Google search engine that popular, educators and parents of students can set up the safe search feature in a position''on''(in the preferences) to sites that do not appear dangerous.

BSE and sites supporting evidence that the government is now more responsive to the development of technology to support education. However, when progresi this is not done carefully and consider the threat, other than the power and benefits of technology, internet, then he can become a boomerang that will be sesali together in the future. (*)