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Kamis, 06 November 2008

Commemoration of 35 Years of IPI

Jakarta. in commemorating its birthday on 7th July 2008, Association of Indonesian LIbrarian (IPI) held a ceremony of IPI`s 35
anniversary, on Monday (7/7) at auditorium hall National Library of Indonesia, Jl. Salemba Raya No.28 A Jakarta. The small ceremony was to commemorating the struggle history of IPI from its establishment on 7 July 1973 at Ciawi, Bogor until now under supervision of Dady P. Rachmananta.

On his welcoming remarks, Director of NLI who is also the chairman of IPI Dady P. Rachmananta asked all librarian to keep struggling so that in the time librarian will become a profession which in line with other profession like lawyer or doctor.
Furthermore he said that currently most people think that librarian is a profession that does not need special skill, this view must be changed since librarian need special skil and have a great contribution in developing the life of this nation.

Pictures of IPI history from 1973 to 2008 were shown to the audience to commemorate what and why IPI must exist. a chinese
proverb said that "to get to 1000th step we need the 1st step". IPI secretary General Zulfikar Zen who lead the program reminded
the audience not to forget those who had struggled so there is a forum for librarian in this beloved country.