Great. That response to news that Indonesia could become a model for the eradication illiterates in the Asia Pacific region. Rating given the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Since 2007, adult illiteracy in Indonesia declined 1.7 million people, to be 10.1 million. Around 7 million of them women. Success adult illiteracy eradication program, among other support 59 universities and the private sector in various regions in Indonesia. Window open more world-wide for their literacy.
However, the figure was not in line with UNESCO's survey results indicate that our interest is very low reading. Two years ago we are the lowest in Asia. Meanwhile, the International Educational Achievement record reading ability of Indonesian students in the lowest areas of ASEAN. Conclusions drawn from the research over 39 countries. Indonesia ranks to 38. Two among other things that cause the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) put us in the order in the case of low development of human resources.
Reality-reality was to prove, literacy does not guarantee increased interest and ability to read. We need to be concerned. Without reading interests, from which we can obtain fresh ideas and new? Seen from the number of our population and the number of daily circulation each day, the percentage of reading newspapers is very small. Surrounding the 1%? UNESCO set, as 10%.
Editorial Media Indonesia Monday and discussed this matter. Among others The progress of electronic media one of the factors that hamper the participating interest in reading speed. Indeed, the first since we rely much more oral than written culture. Community we prefer to watch the puppet, for example. That the number of books in local languages does not mean, confirming the assumption was. But we are not too surprised when we see people now spend far more time in front of the television than reading. Symptoms of this actually exists in all countries, depending on the citizen groups, watch, and the type of reading material there.
There should be social pressure influence. For example, if the interest and ability to read a requirement for social classifications? In the lower level, our people are illiterate, or the ability to read less, work more difficult to find sufficient if compared with their more educated. This should encourage people to learn to read better.
The situation with other people in developed countries. Reading seems to have become a part of life. Read also entertainment. Systems and facilities built to support it. Once the cumulative readings of the meaning of the history of solid, scientific meaning, or the solid values of humanity, moral and spiritual, and entertainment, so that people choose to live in it. Reading has become part of their lifestyle.
Alex Inkeles, sociology professor emeritus at the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, once said the main purpose of economic development is to achieve a decent living standard for all people. However, it seems we agree, the progress of a nation can not be measured only from the GNP per capita of its people. Development also includes ideas mendewasakan political life, such as tecermin in the process of government that stable and orderly, who supported the inclination of many people. Also includes a comprehensive education for the people, including the development of arts and culture, communication facilities, and the enrichment of all forms of recreation. In conclusion, development requires changes in attitudes and behavior of humans. Need of transformation. The most powerful means of communication for the transformation. Including the reading.
So far, we seem confused about the idea of transformation. Reasonable demands because of the transformation changes the way of thinking. The little we should leave the way of thinking that has long sediment in the culture and we have expired. Already tens or even hundreds of years. Leaving it as leaving the principles of our original life. Drag overextend contradiction about this is still happening until now. In the case modernization, our heterogeneous society.
According to Inkeles, the characteristics of modern humans, two; the external and internal. The first related to the environment. The second is about the attitudes, values and feelings. The external changes are easily recognizable. Urbanization, mass communication, industrialization, political life, and education, all the symptoms of modernization. However, even the modern environment, we did not by itself a modern human. Just when we successfully change the way we think, our feelings change, to change our behavior, then we can call themselves a modern human.
The characteristics of modern man if he is willing to open themselves to new experiences, innovation and change. Then the world will open the window. That can all happen in the beginning through the reading of modern humans because not only limit the horizon in the neighborhood environment, but want to widen horizon to horizon other.
The problem now, how to increase interest in reading, and improve the quality and quantity of reading materials in accordance with the needs of modern society? About illiterate, we are considered a model for the eradication illiterate, the system is, of course we will continue. If you can, mempercepatnya. Kartini (1879-1904) is more than seabad and berprakarsa teaching reading and writing of his people even though he himself only completed primary school. Now there are 7 million illiterate women. Fact is deplorable and should be lamented. The possibility that they live in villages and remote areas that are difficult to reach.
About the quality and quantity of reading material, actually two things, the interests and reading, forming a vicious cycle. Interest can be read by reading material quality and / or a decoy. If the interest amount read a lot, a lot of quantity. So forth. Quality and quantity of the book insuffcient, and affordable price, can keep people from temptation, temptation other entertainment that is not quality.
That the people, from children to parents, often glued to watch television, as throughout their spare time. Perhaps because there is no other entertainment, or because there is no requirement for children to read more at home. In addition, there is no obligation for parents to give example. About keteladanan parents, in the Public Library of Sarawak, Malaysia, by requesting the cooperation parents to inculcate reading habit. People tualah the loan book. In several weeks, officials Public Library come back to replace the books with the new.
Experience is presented by the representatives of Malaysia when attending international seminars Movement facility Interest Read (GPMB) on Reading for All. GPMB social organization founded in October 2001, initiated by, among others, National Library and the Ministry of National Education. He works to be partners both central and local government efforts to increase interest in reading people. However, despite seven years standing, gaungnya not we hear more. Perhaps the public is also not too concerned when it concerns the interests read.
Seminar on Reading for All held two years ago, also attended by representatives from Japan, the Netherlands, Australia, and Singapore. They concurred that the increase interest in reading can be done to foster the reading habit in a discipline via the formal education. Speakers from Japan, for example, say they now have a principle; best friend is sitting book. Everywhere in public places we see them reading. The habit is maintained. Schools in Japan require students to read for 10 minutes before learning activities. Methods of education are made in such a way so that students are actively pushed to read.
Read about the Japanese interest rates, already since the Meiji Restoration more seabad ago, Japan has the determination to pursue the progress of Western culture. Until now also thousands of foreign books, especially from the United States and Europe, have been translated into Japanese. As people thirst, they are not constantly gain knowledge and knowledge through reading. For approximately 125 million people, in there every day tens of million copies circulating newspaper, monthly circulation of hundreds of millions of copies of magazines and similar types of publication, and printed each year more than 1 billion books. World record holder. More than 50% of workers handling industry knowledge.
Exposes the envoy abroad seminar in Reading for all the spark the public to read avidly in Indonesia. Essentially they assert, not to advance the interests read closely associated with the increased progress of a community. And increased interest in reading is the most effective channels through which formal education. In the Netherlands, the increased interest in reading circumvented by requiring students to enrich the knowledge of reading, support the library system that meets their needs. In Singapore, the interests of the students read been grown through the curriculum. For example, teachers require that students complete school work with the support of as many books. In Australia, students have the kind of card to write down the title of the book reads. Note the results of reading and assessment of the books that do read every day, before classes start. Teachers told students told the contents of each book has been dibacanya. This system is now also in Indonesian schools affiliated with the Australian schools.
To support the increased interest in reading, it will not be enough with only imbauan and hoots. Many more serious problems faced by the community so that the increased interest is not considered to be read directly into their responsibility. Therefore, these policies must be made in the system, especially in the formal education system. Beyond that, awakening the system and facilities to be supporters hope many people, including the procurement of books that quality affordable price and the number is sufficient. Also, the library, a library that amount sufficient to schools from primary level to university libraries and public-library. For example, other than that owned by the government, will be very ideal if every neighborhood, or at least every RW, berprakarsa build a library or reading hall for the residents. A number of cultural activists have done so.
Hopefully we can prove it, what benefits menggulirkan tradition of reading for human development of modern Indonesia for the future. Books reading children that fairy tales and stories challenging or mysterious, for example, can develop the imagination of children know, without limit. If they are strong enough imagination, they probably will not leave without trying to achieve. Similarly, through reading, we will be willing to leave the narrow views that are not in accordance with the time. Many of the books that solid information about the development of knowledge and experience of the world community in turn will be berpacu we make progress in pursuing that also be tried nations.
By Toeti Adhitama, Member of the Board of Editors Media Group
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Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
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