Merauke-head Perpusnas Dady P. Rachmananta and Regent Merauke Johannes Gluba Gebze simultaneously to unveil the name board of Merauke Office Public Library building as a sign diresmikannya Library District Merauke, on Wednesday (26/11), with all witnessed muspida Merauke, the head office dijajaran the government of Merauke, the head of customs / tribes, and other communities.
According to the Head of State Infocom and a library district of Merauke Amari Baba said in a report library begin building the budget year 2007 to the end of 2008, and now this equipment furniture dianggaran the public library in 2008 is still in the process, so that not all equipment is in this building. "But for the library collection, since the year 2007 and 2008 have received material assistance from the library of National Library of 740 titles, or 1,488 copies," he said. In addition, he continued, in 2007 libraries also Kwinana have a car to get the help of mobile libraries, and the 2008 budget year, we also can help deconcentration funds from the National Library of 345 titles or 629 copies of library books. Amari is a former head of the Office of Fisheries revealed that perkembang library Merauke and rapidly growing, this is not the closest attention from Mr. Regent Gebze kepeduliannya with the library to improve intelligence community Merauke.
Meanwhile, the head Perpusnas Dady P. Rachmananta said in his speech is very happy because it can meet directly with the faces of all components of society in Merauke district, which already has the goods on the attention, appreciation and a very good response to the library and reading interests as a means to improve and enhance the quality of human resources (HR) . According to him, inaugurated the building with the Library District Merauke this concern and indicates a high appreciation of Mr. Regent and the DPRD members in the library and in efforts to increase public interest in reading. "The spirit of libraries in Indonesia, have been rising since the start of Law No. 43 Year 2007 on the Library. Law Library mengamanahkan to all of us to participate actively in developing and empowering the library, so that national development program to improve the nation can be realized equally, "he said.
Head Perpusnas that accompanied the Head of Public Relations Part Agus Sutoyo also said that the library area that is now, is a clear manifestation of success of local government in the dignity of Merauke district, because the library property, devoted entirely to the interests of knowledge and information society. Because the library is a smart means to make smart. "I also hope that other means of learning such as Mobil Library Nowhere is the National Library has been donated to the Library of Merauke District, as submitted Head of Communication and Information Agency Library of Mr. Amari, is the good cooperation that has been stranded for this between the National Library with the State of the Regional Library Board Provinces of Papua and the host of Communication and Information Agency Library Merauke district, "so he said.
Meanwhile, the Regent said Johannes Gluba Gebze form of government attention and concern, particularly the National Library to the Library is a Regional Merauke District to provide assistance Cars Nowhere Library and its collection, and assistance in the form of deconcentration funds appropriated for the procurement of books and 1 computer units complete. Regent also revealed, the local public library should continue to be improved collections and exhibitions, such as reading other books, story telling contest, the selection of academic librarian (example), and so forth. "This is the right place to stimulate the community to increase awareness of Merauke to the world that for some people, still less atensinya," he said.
Regent expects Gebze, activities that can stimulate interest in reading people continue to be developed and implemented continuously, and continuity can be sustained. There are still many other activities that can stimulate the public, please be by Mr. Amari and jajarannya, "he said. The Regent said, I continue to support any activities that the library developed regions, because the library is the community will get smart and look forward .****
source: agussutoyo
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Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
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