BALI-Secretary of the Regional Province of Bali I Nyoman Yasa Conference officially open the Digital Library of Indonesia (KPDI) first, on Tuesday (2 / 12) at the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Kuta, Bali. The inauguration ceremony marked the gong that beating by I Nyoman Yasa, and accompanied the Head Perpusnas Dady P. Rachmananta present keynote speaker Michael Monich, a PhD from the University of Karlscruhe Germany. The event was attended by participants from various regions in Indonesia and also participants from Asia Pacific, all of which a total of not less than 375 people.
The planned conference is held each year also coincides with a meeting to-11 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Library (ICADL). I Nyoman Yasa said an international meeting is very important, because we can learn from countries that have used the technology for the development of digital libraries. With this digital technology, he said, can build excellent library service. "Therefore, the digital library is to make the inspiration for the library that can be easily accessible to the community," he said.
According to Dady P. Rachmananta annual meeting is a container for the organizers, library and librarian Indonesia for mutual exchange and sharing of experience on various aspects of development and the development of digital libraries. Dady also said that the digital library is a library of more conventional. Digital library is not a new type of library, because it still implement the basic principles of the library, but with the support of information technology is expected to realize a more modern library, complete, accessible, and user friendly with the management of the collection of national and local levels. "We know that the cultural heritage and knowledge have a certain size digital, which is managed by professionals to be used for and may be accessed by most of the people of Indonesia and the world," he said.
Head Perpusnas also inaugurate the meeting ICADL to-11 on Wednesday (3 / 12) in the same place that expects this meeting can be hikmahnya for the development and management of the library in Indonesia. Because now we have been lagging far from other countries because the use of technology for digital libraries have been implemented. ICADL meeting that the theme Digital Libraries: Universal and Ubiquitous Access to Information that would be expected to provide opportunities for community library in the digital world, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region to deliver progress has been achieved in creating a digital library that is able to support people to find, manage and utilize the necessary information.
Dady also stated that Perpusnas has seriously started the development of digital libraries nationwide since 2007. Target of the development of a national digital library planned achieved in 2013 are: (1) Pangkatan founding of the National Association of Data Catalog, (2) The founding of the National Digital Library Network (3) Transforming the Digital Materials National Library, (4) Improving Access to the National Digital Library Services through the Web Portal Perpusnas; (5) the organizational structure that can support the implementation of the National Digital Library, and (6) Increase the quality of public services through e-library. ***
source / author: agussutoyo
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Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
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