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Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Book publishers have questioned the Ethics recycle

Never buy a book and disappointed because you never buy the same book with a different title? I did. Many times even. A few books CPNS test that I bought for the preparation go into the fate of civil service. Then books psikotes when hunting jobs and require psychological tests. And also books Kahlil Gibrar the boom in early 2000's. I bought the last group of photographers demand Budi Darma, Male Other Secarik in the Letter.

Collection of books and test results CPNS psikotes published several publishers with titles that more or less the same. Disegel book so I only berpaku the introduction in the back of each envelope to think about the contents. It was bought, the contents of books with different publishers are many similarities, there is even a very similar. Only about a number that changed. Therefore, many key answers that do not comply with it. I as consumers who want to obtain information concerning a variety of course disappointed.

Book Kahlil Gibrar three-quarter money. This may be the most books published in many versions exceed the original works of the author. Adhe in the book Declare (2008) write that the works have been published Gibrar by more than 20 publishers with 76 different titles. Extraordinary is not it? This is a phenomenon that exciting at the same time concern. Gibrar Sufi figure that is known to the children among junior high school teenagers. There are original works, such as Wing-wing Patah and the Prophet. But the rest of the titles new results''creativity''publisher of the content most pieces of snippets and even summary. Without adequate knowledge about Gibrar, buyers will think that all new works (other) from Gibrar.

Meanwhile, the book Budi Darma, men in the Other Secarik Letters, published by MONEY (children's publishing Mizan), is recycled from the book collection of previously published short story with the title Adinan critics. This book is packed with new style book. Covers with different and interesting introduction to the rear, plus the author of the images themselves. In this new book added a new paper. If you had to buy tapes from singers who are repacked or Recycled - songs long ditambahi one-two new songs - this book using the same marketing strategy.

For the fan - who always want to collect the papers idolanya - Recycled edition will disikat although the amount of money for works that have never owned. But for consumers who want to read and find out what new things that are presented from a Begawan as Budi Darma, buy Recycled paper on the disappointing.

Segendang sepenarian with MONEY, Qanita (again, children's publishing Mizan) issued a paper entitled phenomenal Fatima Mernissi women harem. This book was published by Mizan different title, Forbidden Terrace. There is no information at all in the new edition of the book is that two different books with titles that have the same contents, the translation from the Dreams of Trespass: Tales of Girlhood harem. Only a few sheets of the copyright: the new edition, the mold 1, June 2008. Information is also biased because of the birth rancu assumption that this new book.

Serambi publisher, also do the same. But they are quite fair to include the title ever since with a smaller font, Angel Ask Event: Even Angel Ask any translation of the work Jeffrey Lang from the title used for the previous publication; Even Ask any Angel.

ScriPtaManent is the publisher of re-publish I, Book, and my only piece of paper Muhidin M. Dahlan with the title Road Street children a new author. The last is more''fair''because it provides information on the back cover - although with small writing and vague:''the latest edition: I, books, and the piece of erotic''.

Recycle books that are presented with a new title without complete information about the newness and difference with the previous publication, for me, harming the readers. Moreover, buyers are not given the opportunity to check profiteering. For books in the stores often tergelar my plastic seal (Wrapping) and can not be opened before completing''the administration''at the checkout desk.

The two prospective buyers only brief narration or comments that readers generally figure to the public and candidates terjerat attracted buyers. According to me, this style pengelabuhan not responsible.

In upholding the chain''''perbukuan, publishers are pillars of the an important role to play in between the author, printing, distribution, bookstores, libraries, and readers. Publisher is the first filter from the transfer of knowledge that will be acceptable to consumers. Publishers determine the script which will be published and which need not be consumed readers.

As a consumer, of course, book readers will get up for the rights of the whole because the publisher RADIO reckless change, change the title of the book with the same contents. Why not stay issued by the same title? Additional new content or some revisions could be given as a description. With that, buyers can get a reasonable consideration if you want to buy the newest edition again or not. If the books are in demand and sought readers, the book will surely remain low.

However, if the publisher is meniatkan for the reader, then this shape public works fraud in the world perbukuan. Prospective buyers do not get full information about what will be purchased and dibacanya.

Apparently, Indonesian Consumers Institute Foundation (YLKI) is critical for goods trade for the protection of consumer rights is also the problem. Thus tricking this work continuously, even in a world of enlightenment intelligence agents and large merapalkan jargon for the life of the nation. (*)

*), Diana A.V. Sasa, stay in Surabaya