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Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

Disseminating information about RI NATIONAL LIBRARY SERVICE

National Library in the Field of Public Service Collection program has disclosure of information about the services of the National Library and must be informed to all pemustaka where it is to even out the city and if possible to exit the country. In 2008 this opportunity was conducted by the Head of Public Affairs Service Collection and 2 staff to visit the region Nanggro Aceh Darussalam in several libraries in the city of Banda Aceh on 20 to 22 November 2008. Prior to Banda Aceh has been the non-formal dikabarkan the Head of State Archives and Library Nanggro Aceh Darussalam and its jajarannya about plans visits and get a positive response even assisted seoptimalnya to the success of these activities.
The city of Banda Aceh, as we know on December 26, 2004 Sunday morning several years ago and had experienced tragic events that begins with the earthquake Richter scale 5 and the lapse of a few minutes after that by the Tsunami waves by a very terrible so meluluh lantakkan coastal cities along the coast Aceh and the western cities around the country even to Southeast Asia and South Africa, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of lives terengut soul, a serious event that can not be overlooked in the history of the modern life of this century.
Now the city of Banda Aceh the end of 2008, that is not how long more will reach the age of 4 after the tsunami and that we see here there is incentive to build facilities and infrastructure that was destroyed shattered, but now some have appeared a certainty hope will be new changes, although the trauma of the past forgotten by the difficult part of the community.
Our attendance at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport, facilitated by the office library vehicle offices on Thursday 20 November from 13.00 around noon and we menyempatkan present in the office of National Library and Archive, which is located at Lam Nyong near the campus of Syiah Kuala University Darussalam. Where visible in the statistics that the general public and to those who have visited since the year 2006 up to now in a graph manaik and many attend the Office of National Archives and Library District now changed its name to National Archives and Library.
Office of National Archives and Library Nanggro Aceh has 2 buildings in different locations, for the activities of the library located in Lam Nyong and activities for kearsipan located in Lampineung is close to the office of Governor of Aceh more than 2 km from the office library.

The condition that there is a reading room in the library is very solid with readers who use the collections available and also fully in line shelves of books. The number of collections of around 177,000 copies and 35,400 titles that are scattered in the reading room adult 1 and adult reading room 2, there is room to read a collection of distinctive religious, reading room for young people and all this is in the ground floor. For reading room and reference collection of deposits there being 2, while the reading room for children is provided in the building which there is in the back office.
Service extensions are available 7 units of mobile library car 2 units including assistance from the National Library, which originally was to get first aid from 1 unit of the National Library. And on December 26, 2004 a day before the tragic events of mobile library is a new car finished the exhibition and activities incidental Saturday, which is the next Monday will be returned to office, the initiatives taken in the parking lot near the home drivers in the area of Ulee Lheue beach and the facts speak come Tsunamis different waves suddenly the lead to the library circumferential car and terhempas such tergulung former home in the middle of the population in damaged condition can not be used again, even a driver with the family and head of the Regional Library also participate along with their families become victims of the tsunami that up to now not found their bones. The other 2 units aid donations from the German Goethe-Institute and the German city of Augsburg, 2 units of assistance from the Regional Government of NAD and 1 unit of assistance from World Vision and the car plus 1 unit for special exhibitions is a package of assistance from the local government.
Done distribute brochures about services to the National Library Service Agency office in the Archives and Library of NAD, we continue the activities of spreading information about the services the National Library to the library office in UPT UNSYIAH Darussalam and the library IAIN Ar-Raniry is also located at the campus Darussalam . Near some of the visitors that we had asked the campus UNSYIAH Darussalam is not so much to know about the existence and function of the National Library which is located in Jakarta and even the future they hope will be able to know more about the National Library with the way through the exhibition, even if that can be held in the city of Banda Aceh.
Before we rest in a hotel not far from the office library, we still have the opportunity facing the head office in the library archives office space in the region alone Pineung Lam said about the purpose and the arrival Please give my kind regards from officials at the National Library. Mr. Kamaruddin as the head office of National Archives and Library of NAD received with pleasure and told the staff to help our activities as possible during the city of Banda Aceh.

Source: Fadli (young librarian Perpusnas) in December. '08